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Moving Crazies

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We've got them big time. Boxes everywhere. Items that don't fit in boxes everywhere. Husband living/working in two places. Kid meltdowns as they deal with emotions of leaving C-ville. Weird dinners trying to use up what's in the fridge/freezer. No time to spend the time we want with dear friends. Last this and that...


Just want to share... and ask for prayer.

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:glare: Yeah, we just moved 2 weeks ago (maybe a little less than). It's crazy, isn't it? Even the dog was acting funny. It'll take a good 3 months to be settled and have curtains in every room (my pet peeve right now).


We always tend to eat out a LOT when we move. So, this time, everybody got sick.


Are you moving local? Or far?


I thought we would be the neighborhood homeschooling weirdos, but the first thing the man next door told me was that they were pulling their kid out of ps to homeschool. :D


You know...:tongue_smilie:...moving is a good way to declutter. :lol:

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Impish, you're funny!


We're moving four hours away - back to NC where both dh and I grew up. Lots of family, lots of friends. And your right our dogs are following us all around saying, "Excuse me, but can you please tell me what's going on?"


Thanks Heather and reamaria for the prayers! Part of me still wishes we were doing a move halfway around the world, but excited about what the Lord will do with this one!


Laura, you're right. This end of things is almost over. We load up the last moving truck next Friday. Grace plays in a concert Friday night, and then we depart.


Fun times in C-ville!

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That will be us in two months. We're just moving across town, but still. Not looking forward to the moving, but I'm looking forward to being in a new place. I'm presenting it to the kids like an 'adventure'. So far, they seem pretty excited about it.

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