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I nearly passed out yesterday. I have a new understanding...

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of what it would be like living in Los Angeles in August. Remember my question about air conditioning breaking points? I've reached mine.


I had some sort of heat stroke yesterday. I was dizzy, nauseous, headache, and couldn't breathe. It's hot here in Hawaii- duh. But we have this "vog" or volcanic fog over the island and I can't get enough air. http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage

I had to lay on the couch and try to stay conscious- this has never happened to me before. Yikes, it was scary- more because I was worried about my kids, and I couldn't reach my dh.


Admittedly, I over did it yesterday. I ran several errands that kept me out all day, and when I started to feel lightheaded I didn't immediately take it easier. :001_huh: Again...duh.


Anyhoo, it's still really hot today, with no air circulation and this blasted vog. I think we may actually go to the mall. blech.



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in the CA desert and I prenant with #3. I literally almost passed out due to heat exhaustion. I had two little guys 3 and 1 and I was whoppin pregnant and I came in the house from doing way too much and had to slowly lower myself onto the cold linolium and lay there til my head stopped spinning. Scary. Take it easy today, will you?

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Don't you have air conditioning? Maybe you can get the dr. to prescribe one and have it covered by insurance? I've been pregnant in the hot summers on the desert in So. Calif. Be careful!


No airconditioning. Usually we can handle it. It's only miserable for a couple of hours in the late afternoon, but it's 8:30 am right now and I'm sweating sitting here typing. :glare: We usually have great breezes passing through the house to keep it comfortable- right now it feels stagnant- dead air. Blah.



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of what it would be like living in Los Angeles in August. Remember my question about air conditioning breaking points? I've reached mine.


I had some sort of heat stroke yesterday. I was dizzy, nauseous, headache, and couldn't breathe. It's hot here in Hawaii- duh. But we have this "vog" or volcanic fog over the island and I can't get enough air. http://www.honoluluadvertiser.com/apps/pbcs.dll/frontpage

I had to lay on the couch and try to stay conscious- this has never happened to me before. Yikes, it was scary- more because I was worried about my kids, and I couldn't reach my dh.


Admittedly, I over did it yesterday. I ran several errands that kept me out all day, and when I started to feel lightheaded I didn't immediately take it easier. :001_huh: Again...duh.


Anyhoo, it's still really hot today, with no air circulation and this blasted vog. I think we may actually go to the mall. blech.






I've had that happen before. It feels claustrophic and is panick inducing. Water, water, water, water ... helpful if it happens to be cold. How about :chillpill:in' in a bookstore, instead? That's what real WTMers do. :tongue_smilie:

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I've had that happen before. It feels claustrophic and is panick inducing. Water, water, water, water ... helpful if it happens to be cold. How about :chillpill:in' in a bookstore, instead? That's what real WTMers do. :tongue_smilie:


Borders!!! You are brilliant. I hadn't thought of that. I considered the library, but keeping the 1 and 3 yr olds quiet in our persnickety library sort of defeats the "take it easy" order given from dh. Thanks for the idea.


You are exactly right in saying it feels claustrophobic and panicky- that's exactly how it feels.



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Man, we're not getting the vog out on this side of the island. I agree with getting a window unit a/c at least for your bedroom or living room.


We never had this when we lived "out Ewa" either. Weird. It's so bad right now you can't see across Kaneohe Bay. I can't even see the Koolau mtns at a certain distance.


I have been busy freezing juice boxes and preparing for a relaxing day of water play in the shady areas of our yard. My goal is to do as little as possible- and then when/if the heat overwhelms us, we'll head out to some place Air-conditioned. Sometimes packing up and going out is more energy expenditure than its worth. KWIM?



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