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My 8.5 mo old just signed his first word!!

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Congratulations! My 13 month old daughter has finally worked out that daddy is not called "toilet." A small misunderstanding due to the amount of toilet related conversations between them. (He's just that kind of dad.) And it's easier to sign "toilet" than "dad." She signs "mum," "toilet," a badly pronounced "dad," and "dog." She also understands "sit," "boobie" and "boom gates." "Boobie" was learned very early on :D

Rosie- who's hubby is half deaf so dd must learn Auslan.


P.S. They only drop the signs when they learn to speak because they no longer have any purpose. If you were using a signed language with some fluency instead of baby sign, they'd continue.

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Awww! I remember how thrilled I was when DD5 (9 months at the time) learned how to sign "milk." Of course, she started speaking her first words shortly after ("cheche," which also means milk--that should tell you a lot about my power nurser :D), so it was short-lived. But what a great feeling it was!


DD2, on the other hand, refused to attempt to sign or speak until she was around 16 months :glare: Turns out, that's just the kind of kid she is. If you want her to do it, there's no way she will do it. *sigh* Too bad, too. She was extremely frustrated by her inability to express herself and would really have benefited from learning signs.


I think teaching babies to sign is amazing. Keep up the good work!

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My friend and I were neighbors, and had babies 4 months apart. We used to take them for a walk every morning in their strollers. We were both teaching them signs. I loved seeing ds sign "cat" or "flower" or "dog" when he spotted one. He was also fascinated with ceiling fans, so we taught him a sign for that, and he'd point them out wherever we went.


Also, ds went through a long stage when he was 1yo of crying inconsolably when left in the nursery at church. Often, the workers would have to fetch me to come get him. Once, I picked him up, and he was so redfaced and exhausted from crying for me. I took him from the worker and comforted him. As we walked out of the nursery, he looked at me and signed, "Thank you!" Awww.



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