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Schoolhouse Rock for memory work?

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I've been looking for grammar memory work for DS. I've perused Shurley and a few other options but haven't found anything I'm really excited about.


But then I remembered Schoolhouse Rock! Anyone ever have their kids learn some of the Schoolhouse Rock songs for grammar or other stuff? Or is that crazy? Some of it looks so good and it is surely fun.



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We love it here. We got really burned out on Rod & Staff towards the end of this spring. So, we got the Grammar Ace program from Sonlight just for some fun grammar practice and review. It includes the DVD and the boys have watched it over and over again, even though they were already familiar with it.

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My kids LOVE SHR! They do remember grammar this way! When I have to remind them I start singing the SHR song and they remember right away! We also really like the science and American history songs!


Rocking and rolling, splishing and splashing, over the horizon, what can it be?


We love them all, too, even the math ones -- after all, three is a magic number!

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Mine know ALL the Schoolhouse Rock songs pretty much by heart. Get the DVDs, settle in for a day. Listen, love them. Had to buy another set because we wore the first ones out.

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My brother was a 2x Citizen Bee national finalist, and one year on the written test for the finals there was a question on the preamble to the constitution. According to him, you could tell when each of these top history/political science high schoolers got to that question, because they'd start humming :).


My DD knew the SHR songs mostly by memory by about age 3 1/2-4. Now, at age 6 1/2, she's starting to apply them when she gets to the topic in school. It was wonderful to watch multiplication "click", and all those little facts smoothly fall into place with the concept. and the same has happened with grammar.

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And Schoolhouse Rock is available on CD. You can listen to it on long car trips (a trip into town qualifies as "long" around here) or put the kids to bed with it (we put our kids to bed with music all the time), and it'll cement those songs into their memory.

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My brother was a 2x Citizen Bee national finalist, and one year on the written test for the finals there was a question on the preamble to the constitution. According to him, you could tell when each of these top history/political science high schoolers got to that question, because they'd start humming :).



:lol: That's how I got through my Preamble memorization in 5th grade!!


We the people, in order to form a more perfect union.... *hums*

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I remember the old days when I'd wait for them to air in between different Sat. morning cartoons. That was back in the days before cable, and even before Betamax. and they hadn't come up with Mr. Morton song yet. ;)


and yep. we sang the song in 12th grade civics... yep..



Yes, you can use them for memory.... Do we get the standard sing along thread? I remember as freshman college students in the dorm the first week, we all bonded singing the songs......



Lolly Lolly Lolly gets your adverbs here... quickly slowly surely.... why where or when condition or reason......


conjunction junction.... what's your function...



Interjections. show excitement or emotion.. hallelujah yeah!


Darn! that's the end.



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I bought the Schoolhouse Rock 30th anniversay DVD and it has every SHR cartoon they ever made. It is AWESOME. It has a whole section on Multiplication Rock - which my 9 yro and 8 yro are memorizing their x facts right now.


:thumbup1: Seriously awesome.

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