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I can't believe we changed our minds!!!

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We loved MFW AHL, and were planning on MFW WHL for next school year. I just found out this week that a couple of teachers from a co-op we used to go to are teaching some high school classes now! They are amazingly wonderfu teachers, they really make the kids work for a good grade in the class, and their classes are worth, and can count for a credit! I'm THRILLED! They were only doing jr. high classes. My oldest took an English Lit. class from one and a science class from another before we stopped going to the co-op. I was sooo impressed with their teaching methods and the rigor of the classes! Nobody slides by in their classes!


I talked with my dd and she wants to try having a real teacher with real other students to discuss things with for classes that are harder for me to teach. The classes meet once a week, on Monday, and dd will take 3 classes from them: her science class, and an English/Lit. and a History class. I don't know the History teacher, but I wrote to the English teacher and asked what she'd recommend (since there are 2 other English classes taught). She said she'd recommend the English Lit. (which also deals with grammar and writing) and History class, since they compliment each other (same idea as MFW).


Sooo, we're going to try the live teacher, and see how it goes. This year they're teaching American Lit. and US History, so if dd decides to go back to MFW the next school year, we can always do the WHL.


She's excited and I'm kind of excited. It'll be a bit busier for us, but I think the benefits will be well worth it! The help with upper level grammar and writing and literature will be wonderful!


I'll miss that sharing with the other MFW peoples, though! :(

Edited by Brindee
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What??! Brindee, you were my main inspiration for checking out MFW AHL in the first place (it just arrived!) :) But I sure understand the appeal to take advantage of the "real" classes that are available to you. All of my DC took an English class at the 8th/9th level (from the same wonderful teacher) and it has given them a great foundation for writing. I'm glad your teachers are high-quality, and I'm sure the classes will be a positive experience for your daughter. Let us know how it goes. And I'll probably be asking for your input as we go through Ancients next year.:D

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That sounds wonderful! My son (going into 9th) takes classes at a co-op that is very rigorous and fun. He has benefited from learning to work with other students and different teaching styles and expectations. He has social opportunities, too. (Eats lunch with his group of friends, and even went to his first high school dance recently.)


I think these kinds of co-ops, where kids can take a couples of classes one or two days a week, be accountable to outside teachers, make friends, but still be mostly home with mom, are the best of both worlds for many homeschoolers like me.



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I'm excited for you because you sound so excited!



I guess I am. We had nothing available for high school close enough for us to go to. That's why I was so thrilled with MFW! So, it's good that I know these teachers and what they're like, so I trust them, and could give dd the option. She really liked MFW too, so it was a big decision for both of us. We can't afford to do MFW if we pay for these classes!


What??! Brindee, you were my main inspiration for checking out MFW AHL in the first place (it just arrived!) :) But I sure understand the appeal to take advantage of the "real" classes that are available to you. All of my DC took an English class at the 8th/9th level (from the same wonderful teacher) and it has given them a great foundation for writing. I'm glad your teachers are high-quality, and I'm sure the classes will be a positive experience for your daughter. Let us know how it goes. And I'll probably be asking for your input as we go through Ancients next year.:D
Sorry! :001_smile: I know, it's very strange, I'm still adjusting to it! I think I'll miss the simplicity of having it all here and her plopping to read and work on it without us having to go anywhere! But I do see some positives!


That sounds wonderful! My son (going into 9th) takes classes at a co-op that is very rigorous and fun. He has benefited from learning to work with other students and different teaching styles and expectations. He has social opportunities, too. (Eats lunch with his group of friends, and even went to his first high school dance recently.)


I think these kinds of co-ops, where kids can take a couples of classes one or two days a week, be accountable to outside teachers, make friends, but still be mostly home with mom, are the best of both worlds for many homeschoolers like me.



Thank you! I'm glad your ds has that opportunity! Since we used to go to the co-op where this is, dd may know some of the kids she ends up in class with! Edited by Brindee
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Awwww Maaannnn.... I was looking forward to sharing experiences with you and others I know were using MFW WHL next year. Oh well.... my dd is taking Science at a local coop so I definitely understand but happy for you, sad for me

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How exciting, Brindee. Sounds like a wonderful opportunity. :grouphug: I know you're flexible and even if it's not what you had planned it will work out great.
Thank you EL! I hope it works out to be a great experience! Scary though, going from a favorite curriculum to an unknown area!!! (Well, we used to go to this coop, but dd didn't have these teachers.) She says she wants a challenge, and she will get her wish, I've no doubt about that! :D


It sounds wonderful!!! :)
Thank you! It'll be great if it DOES turn out to be wonderful! :D


Awwww Maaannnn.... I was looking forward to sharing experiences with you and others I know were using MFW WHL next year. Oh well.... my dd is taking Science at a local coop so I definitely understand but happy for you' date=' sad for me[/quote']Awwww, I'm going to miss that MFW group also! That's one of the reasons it was a hard decision! It's like we are a family.... If it just isn't working out during the first semester, we'll switch back to MFW 2nd semester. We'd be behind everyone else, but we could again join in with the MFW people! :D
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Hey There,


I was excited to hear of talk here about the MFW HS, but.... it still makes it sound like others want this in a co-op setting, because... well... if they were doing MFW at co-op... you'd continue, right?? This sounds pretty much like what we're doing, and that's why I think MFW will be good in the co-op situation. Lots of learning at home and then discussion and learning at class :)

So... I'm not surprised that you're jumping at the opportunity to participate in a group situation :)


Is this a pay for the group, or volunteer type program? And... do you have a link? I love to look around :)

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Hey There,


I was excited to hear of talk here about the MFW HS, but.... it still makes it sound like others want this in a co-op setting, because... well... if they were doing MFW at co-op... you'd continue, right?? This sounds pretty much like what we're doing, and that's why I think MFW will be good in the co-op situation. Lots of learning at home and then discussion and learning at class :)

So... I'm not surprised that you're jumping at the opportunity to participate in a group situation :)


Is this a pay for the group, or volunteer type program? And... do you have a link? I love to look around :)

Yeah, I probably would do MFW in a co-op setting!


Since the teachers are qualified and we get real credit for it, it's a pay class. The classes she will be taking come to about the same as MFW and a science class, so that works out.


You want a link to our co-op?

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Yup, super want a link, I do!! :) I just love looking at what's out there! :)
:001_smile: Your first sentence reminds me of Yoda-speak! :001_smile: I only have a pdf with the list and descriptions of the classes. I'll have to ask the teachers first though, as it has addresses and names in it, and I'm not sure if I can share that.


It'd take some work, but I MAY be able to copy & paste the parts without the names and addresses and be able to send it in an e-mail....

Edited by Brindee
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Wow, Brindee, what a great opportunity. I really hope it all works out well for your dd. Good luck! :001_smile:


Oh, what an opportunity. I've often wished for a co-op option near us. I hope the year goes well; it really sounds like fun.
Thank you ladies! It does sound fun! It does add to our busy-ness, but, I'm thinking, and hoping, it'll be worth it!


I'm especially happy with the science, writing and literature portions. Those are weak spots for me, so it will be good having someone else teaching, evaluating and grading those subjects! :thumbup:

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