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Queen's A Living History of our World


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I got this especially for supplementing when need be for next year. So, I'm not using it as a sole curriculum. We tried out a few lessons at the end of this year and my two kids enjoyed it. So did I! I think it's a great combination of things to learn history!

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I used Volume I last year with my 2nd grade daughter...she LOVED it...she made the journal all hers and really retained a LOT! This year I will be doing Volume II with my 5th, 3rd, and 1st grader.


I like it bc it gets done! My kids really enjoy it (everyone ended up listening to it last year). I can add if I want to, but if I don't add anything...it's okay and they are still learning...there's plenty there.

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Thanks ladies! Joy, I was glad to see that you are using it for your 5th grader. I wasn't sure if it would be enough for a 5th grader. I was thinking of using it with my 2nd grader as well. Also, do you think that the notebook would be too simple for a 5th grader? Thanks!

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We are wrapping up Vol.1 and have thoroughly enjoyed it. The style of writing has kept our little ones engaged and the illustrations are just beautiful (IMO). We used the student journal (I need help when it comes to notebooking) and DD (1st grader) loved it. Like the PP stated, DD made this book her own and it helped her retain a lot.


DD is a HUGE reader so, I have supplemented for each chapter. She reads during quiet/rest time or other times during the day. I have used the Beautiful Feet literature lists and the lists from Turning Back the Pages of Time.


**We love it so much we plan on using Vol. 2 & 3 (and 4, 5, 6!)

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Sorry I didn't get back sooner...I do think it will keep the interest of my 5th grader bc the way it is written. I will expect her notebook to be more detailed, more thoughtful, but it is open ended so this is easy for her to do...PLUS...in Volume II, there is a space in the back for written narrations. This was not in Volume I...so I really liked this addition as well. I may have my older do some "research" as we go along...we had started this in HOD and I would like to continue on that a bit.

There are projects that Angela has them do throughout the year as well...and again with these, I will just expect a bit more with my 5th grader.

And my 5th grader is my child who LOVES LOVES LOVES history...she listened in on all of Volume I bc she just loves it and begged to do Volume II all together this year.

I have both Volume I and II notebooks here...if you have specific questions, I'd be happy to look through them.

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I noticed on Queen's website that she has in her easy packs the 3rd vol. of Living History of the World listed, but she does not have it listed in any other part of her website. Is the 3rd vol. even out yet? Just wondering...Thanks to all of you have answered my questions.

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I noticed on Queen's website that she has in her easy packs the 3rd vol. of Living History of the World listed, but she does not have it listed in any other part of her website. Is the 3rd vol. even out yet? Just wondering...Thanks to all of you have answered my questions.


I believe that it will be out sometime this summer. :)



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I'm so overwhelmed with choices...was going to use MFW CTG...but had some struggles with MFW ECC this year. Considered HOD CTC for next year - but might struggle with the same issues - feeling bound by someone elses schedule. I don't want to totally wing it - and I like the idea of a more living book / CM / classical style. I'm also looking @ Beautiful Feet Ancient History. I've glanced @ TOG, Veritas, WP...just got confused. And I've eliminated Sonlight - primarily due to expense...but the guides just didn't seem to suit my style of teaching.


I have MOH volume 1 that I got used...with the CD's (bummer - missing the 1st CD but it has the 2 - 8). I felt like I could almost use MOH alone - but I like the idea of combining some literature that might go along with the time frame. I also really feel a strong preference to teach chronologically. So....what about using Queen's History to supplement MOH - or as the OP asked...any more thoughts on Queen's for history?

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We used MFW ECC this past year as well, and I had a difficult time pulling that off. I, too, was/am considering whether to go on with MFW CTG too just because of my lack of success with ECC. We reached the 17th week of ECC but that was about all we accomplished. My thoughts now, are either to use this particular Queen's book and add in readers for both my 2nd and 5th grader, use CTG, possibly, use the First Book of American History (add in readers & mapwork), Simply Charlotte Mason year 4, or something totally different, using Abeka's 4th grade history for my 5th grader and Abeka 2nd grade history for my 2nd grader. I've even given thought to using Truthquest history. Just too many choices, and I am just too indecisive.

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We used MFW ECC this past year as well, and I had a difficult time pulling that off. I, too, was/am considering whether to go on with MFW CTG too just because of my lack of success with ECC. We reached the 17th week of ECC but that was about all we accomplished. My thoughts now, are either to use this particular Queen's book and add in readers for both my 2nd and 5th grader, use CTG, possibly, use the First Book of American History (add in readers & mapwork), Simply Charlotte Mason year 4, or something totally different, using Abeka's 4th grade history for my 5th grader and Abeka 2nd grade history for my 2nd grader. I've even given thought to using Truthquest history. Just too many choices, and I am just too indecisive.


Buttercup - you sound so much like me right now. I think a huge part of me wants to put together a program using a combo of Queens & MOH - plus some great books I already own - partly for time & partly because I feel like I might fell less restricted with the 'pre-fab' curriculum. I am blessed with a huge personal library in my own home. But another part of me is concerned because I know that I would miss covering some really important, or exciting, things just because I don't have years of experience as a teacher - this will be my 2nd year homeschooling. I have looked @ everything you looked at, except Abeka, but I've also looked @ Biblioplan, Tapestry of Grace, Veritas, Beautiful Feet, Heart of Dakota, Ambleside, Living Books Curriculum, etc. Honestly - they all look wonderful - I guess I just have a nervous factor about missing gaps. But money is also a huge factor - and it's pretty snug right now. I've thought about using the MOH 1 I have - filling in with some of Queens & my own resources - and making a really cool 'book of centuries' to help him correlate and recall his timeline. I know many homeschool mom's say they feel freed to get away from the pre-assembled curriculum - other's say it helped bring order to their day. I definitely don't feel like I am a slave to it - ECC overwhelmed me so early on I tweaked all the time. But also - I would never have chosen some of their books - yet buying the way I did - I paid for them out of a very tight budget. I think I just feel like it might be very fulfilling to plan my own. Plus w/MOH for ideas - I still have some lesson and activity ideas for when my brain runs short!! Keep me posted on how you fare - I feel REALLY indecisive right now as well!!!

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Venus mom, It is funny you should mention Biblioplan, I was just on their website last evening as well. I also have looked into Ambleside, but I have to say I am have not been ambitious enough to consider TOG. BUT, I have given thought to MOH but my only qualm with that is that I have a 2nd grader, and know that by the time I get to the third book in that series, there is some pretty heavy stuff presented. By that time she will only be in 4th grade and I am not ready to go over those areas with her at such a young age. Today, ironically I was also browsing HOD's website as well. I would love to put my "own thing" together using the booklists of Sonlight, Winterpromise, HOD, Truthquest and others but part of me is afraid that I would not cover everything that needs to be covered as well.

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I'm planning on using this with my 5th grader next year. We are also going to listen to SOTW CD's for world history. My dd wants to do BF History of the Horse too. So we will have a lot of history next year! :001_smile:




This is also my plan for next year - using the cd's to keep addressing world history but using history of our living world to delve into American history.



We used MFW ECC this past year as well, and I had a difficult time pulling that off. I, too, was/am considering whether to go on with MFW CTG too just because of my lack of success with ECC. We reached the 17th week of ECC but that was about all we accomplished. My thoughts now, are either to use this particular Queen's book and add in readers for both my 2nd and 5th grader, use CTG, possibly, use the First Book of American History (add in readers & mapwork), Simply Charlotte Mason year 4, or something totally different, using Abeka's 4th grade history for my 5th grader and Abeka 2nd grade history for my 2nd grader. I've even given thought to using Truthquest history. Just too many choices, and I am just too indecisive.


MFW ECC is working for us but, I tweak -a lot! Too much to buy the next year.


I am also looking at getting truth quest to go along with history of our living world. I just love history!

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I will be using in the fall with my 4th grader. He has looked it over and is very excited. I love the way it is laid out with narrations and the notebook. I agree with the other person who said you can expect more from your 5th grader. I think it will work, that is my tentative plan for 5th grade, volume 2. It looks like we will have a really fun year!

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This is also my plan for next year - using the cd's to keep addressing world history but using history of our living world to delve into American history.




MFW ECC is working for us but, I tweak -a lot! Too much to buy the next year.


I am also looking at getting truth quest to go along with history of our living world. I just love history!


That is where I am at - I did ok with MFW ECC...but I tweaked so often that I wonder if it is worth the cost. HOD looks like it might be easier in some ways - but I wonder if I seem to 'tweak' every curriculum I use - whether it is Sunday School, VBS or MFW....maybe I'm just meant to try planning it on my own...I just don't want to miss something...and I wonder if I'd be good at creating some of the projects that MFW includes (though we just don't do all of them - I'm glad we've done some). But I feel like I'm spending a ton to be 're-writing' the curriculum. Uggh...decisions, decisions! :glare:

Edited by venusmom
correct typo
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