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Would you ever send an e-mail before checking your facts?

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I received an e-mail (I won't be identifying the party) from a lady who received the books I sent. She said that it would have been nice to know that tests were missing because now it makes resale difficult, but that they are enjoying the program. She also mentioned the back cover was off??? It wasn't when shipped.


Funny thing is, one only has to check the ad to see that I totally disclosed that the tests were missing! In addition, after multiple e-mails, I again described the test/quiz book as missing tests and quizzes up to lesson 7 in an e-mail. In one e-mail she asks why only the early tests were used and asked if we perhaps did not enjoy the program.:001_huh:


Do people really fire off e-mails of this nature before checking to see if they might be mistaken? :glare: Or is there some sort of scam I'm not familiar with?


I cannot imagine making accusatory statements without having the facts in hand. But maybe she was just having a bad day and forgot to check. It was a polite e-mail...just got under my skin a bit because I truly try to represent books accurately - even to the point of erring on the side of being more worn than they actually are.:tongue_smilie:

Edited by CynthiaOK
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My husband (not bashing here, just stating a fact) is constantly guilty of this. He freely admits that he does not read anything word for word - he "swallows" whole sentences, paragraphs, even pages whole and then assumes he has the gist of what it was trying to say. It's not a huge issue most of the time, but there have still been plenty of times that the kids will whine because he'll be reading to them and leave out huge chunks of a story. My children seem to have at least partially inherited this trait. They can slow down if they have to read something out loud, but if they're left to their own devices, heaven forbid they read all of a text! :tongue_smilie: :D


It drives me - ye olde classic type A personality - totally bonkers.

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I'd cut & paste your sale post, along with other info that restates what she is misinterpreted. She's not your friend & it isn't like she sent something without checking snopes. This is an email about a sale, so I'd correct her.





:iagree: especially if there's potential for a reputation rating. You don't want an unfair negative rating.


And yes, I have received things that weren't as I remembered them being described, but when I double checked, I was the one that misread or forgot. It wouldn't be fair for me to blame the seller then.

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...She's not your friend & it isn't like she sent something without checking snopes. This is an email about a sale, so I'd correct her.




ditto. And, yes, the very first place I would go (and have, often) if I purchased materials and the arrived in a condition I wasn't expecting would be he original listing. Far be it for me to be above missing a piece of information.

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I'd cut & paste your sale post, along with other info that restates what she is misinterpreted. She's not your friend & it isn't like she sent something without checking snopes. This is an email about a sale, so I'd correct her.





I did that - this morning - haven't heard back. In fact, I answered her on the original e-mail she sent. All she had to do was re-read them. And I found my old sale ad and pasted it into the e-mail as well.


It just seemed that if one is going to make an accusation, one should definitely get ones facts in order. For goodness sakes, she plainly asked me why the "earlier tests are gone"! Then to claim she was not informed that they were missing...well, I would hope she would at least acknowledge her mistake, but we'll see. That's just my pride wanting to be validated. But it's also good to remember that even simple "mistakes" such as this can cause quite a lot of consternation in the other party :glare: One never really knows how HER day is going.:tongue_smilie:

Edited by CynthiaOK
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Something similar happened to me through Paperback Swap. I was accused of sending a book in poor condition and now it isn't tradeable, etc. The book was like new when I sent it. It is her word against mine. I agree- very frustrating and what a time waster to have to deal with it.

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