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Do you wish there were NO party lines in USA politics?

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I find myself there.


Sometimes, it's just such a horse and pony show all the way around. I wish the whole party thing would go OUT the window and everyone sit down TRULY for the common good.


I hear friends from both sides turning a deaf ear to reasonable ideas merely because of which party it's coming out of. That is just stupid to me. It serves NOONE.


I suppose that will never happen here.

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I think debate is a GOOD thing. If it were JUST R vs. D, I think we could get a lot more done. I think lobbyists, special interest groups, entitlements for politicians, and terms that never end are the real problem. The hyperbole from the media only adds fuel to the fire, IMO.

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I find myself there.


Sometimes, it's just such a horse and pony show all the way around. I wish the whole party thing would go OUT the window and everyone sit down TRULY for the common good.


I hear friends from both sides turning a deaf ear to reasonable ideas merely because of which party it's coming out of. That is just stupid to me. It serves NOONE.


I suppose that will never happen here.


I wish we didn't have political parties at all and that each candidate would run on his or her own merits.


I general, I despise political parties.

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Yes!!! Then we might also find out what each candidate truly thinks of each individual issue instead of the usual going with the party lines routine. My ideal candidate would be rejected by both parties for different reasons, but I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way. I think many people used to think this way - looking at the individual candidate and their stand on issues - but it's now gotten to the point that the political parties have people brainwashed that they have to think this way on an issue because they're "_________" and that's the right way to think on the issue. :tongue_smilie:

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I think the parties are a necessary evil. In a perfect system, we could get things done based on merit and what's best for the country. This isn't a perfect system, though. It's run by us mere mortals. ;) I do wish that there were more true options than D and R. And I am seriously tired of politicians towing the party line constantly.

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As I'm reading some of the replies to my polls, I am thinking that our parties are not effective anymore. They seem to think they define a majority of the people and yet I read here and *hear* in person conservatives complaining their party is too moderate/liberal and liberals complaining their party is too moderate/conservative. It seems to me that neither is truly serving the *people*.


It is not my desire for this thread to turn *partisan politics* but rather...is our *system* still working? Not sure how to steer clear re:board rules.


In my opinion, we are just not getting anywhere, no matter who is in office or who has control of the house/senate.

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I find myself there.


Sometimes, it's just such a horse and pony show all the way around. I wish the whole party thing would go OUT the window and everyone sit down TRULY for the common good.


I hear friends from both sides turning a deaf ear to reasonable ideas merely because of which party it's coming out of. That is just stupid to me. It serves NOONE.


I suppose that will never happen here.



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I wish we didn't have political parties at all and that each candidate would run on his or her own merits.


I general, I despise political parties.




I also wish that candidates didn't require so much money to be viable. I think the media should donate equal time to all willing candidates and the campaign season should be much shorter. I think this would open the field to many more interesting, perhaps down to earth, choices.


I think that very few people really have beliefs that neatly fit into either political party ideology. For example, I am very socially liberal but more moderate on many (but not all) other issues so there are always things I like and don't like about most candidates. I think many people probably have the same dilemma.

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I don't know. Maybe I wish there were more parties. I like that a party has the resources to support a candidate and help organize and mobilize the grassroots, and I would be way too lazy to research a thousand candidates all running for the same office. Since my career was in politics, I assume most people would be even less willing to thoroughly research their choices.


This doesn't mean I'm happy with the current system. I'm not. I just don't know if I want no parties at all.

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I wish there were more statesmen and fewer politicians. I wish the party platform really meant something instead of shifted with every new poll. I wish politics wasn't a career. I think that party has become a political machine, elevating the next anointed one to the top of the heap regardless of ability and I think the electorate has become so dumbed down and "bread and circuses" oriented that they will fall for the next thing in politics every time. I guess I wish it wasn't politics and was actually governance. *sigh* Under those circumstances I think a republic works just fine - what we seem to have now is mob rule by the gullible masses. I was listening to a story about California opening its primaries and just wanted to yell, or cry, or something.

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As I'm reading some of the replies to my polls, I am thinking that our parties are not effective anymore. They seem to think they define a majority of the people and yet I read here and *hear* in person conservatives complaining their party is too moderate/liberal and liberals complaining their party is too moderate/conservative. It seems to me that neither is truly serving the *people*.


It is not my desire for this thread to turn *partisan politics* but rather...is our *system* still working? Not sure how to steer clear re:board rules.


In my opinion, we are just not getting anywhere, no matter who is in office or who has control of the house/senate.


I've never fit into a political party since I've become an adult and left the far left (the way I was brought up). I'm always having to weigh which issues I care about the most when I vote.


It's not fun, but I do always vote. I feel the "need" to vote.


I DO wish there were no parties and I also wish candidates weren't judged based on whether or not they wet their pants in kindergarten one day... (yes, a bit far fetched, but sometimes it seems that the media gets hung up on just such things).

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I don't know. Maybe I wish there were more parties. I like that a party has the resources to support a candidate and help organize and mobilize the grassroots, and I would be way too lazy to research a thousand candidates all running for the same office. Since my career was in politics, I assume most people would be even less willing to thoroughly research their choices.


This doesn't mean I'm happy with the current system. I'm not. I just don't know if I want no parties at all.



I'm not sure no parties is feasible, or would be very productive. But I think more than two parties (I realize we have more than two, but no other parties have a real voice in the political system) would be very nice.
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