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FLUFFY Follow Up: Fancy Cupcakes, Silver Stuff.......

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and Candy Buffet, OH MY! (said to the lions, and tigers and bears cadence ;) )


I am not even going to try making gorgeous, fancy cupcakes, but I do have a plan for dd's baby shower which is in october so I have time to practice.


For our friends who are renewing their vows and celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, I have a plan.


I have ordered very pretty cupcakes from Wegman's -- and I am going to make them a 'candy buffet.' I spoke with the husband and bounced the idea off him, and he loved it. While he has ordered a cake from the caterer, he was expecting his dw to go out and get candy and stuff to put around their house in candy dishes (she is recovering from chemo due to lupus and right now is so exhausted from 'don't worry, honey; you won't have to do a thing' :glare: that she is beside herself).


I decided after googling and looking at photos that I will make them a reasonably sized 25th Anniversary Candy Buffet (allows me to have a starting place as 'silver' for the color theme). They are only having about 50 guests so that will keep things on the small size.




I will use the cupcakes and pe**** fours and some pretty cookies as part of the buffet.


I cannot wait to practice decorating the cupcakes for the baby shower!


For now, though, back to standardized testing.:leaving:



Edited by MariannNOVA
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I want to come to your party. :D Actually I want to help!


Trust me -- if you were close enough, I would love help -- this kind of stuff is so much fun. Tomorrow I have to shop. I would pay you beaucoup $$$ to stay at my house and watch the kids. It is going to be a challenge shopping for POUNDS of candy with them.:glare:


When I told my friend, J, that I was doing a candy buffet for their party, she started crying. She said she was disappointed they weren't going to have one b/c she loves them. So, it's a good gift after all.:)

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:auto: On my way! Shopping for candy with kids, what a riot. :D Buy them something first thing and send them outside. I don't know where I've been but visions of my next party are clouding my eyes.





I've emailed my son in law's sister to tell her that we are DEFINITELY having a candy buffet at the baby shower in October -- blue (stacey's having a boy) and brown (PERFECT -- chocolate).:D

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