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Is a RFWP convention worth a 2.5 hr drive?

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We're taking the 4 hour drive...leaving before dawn Friday morning. It will be worth it to me, since I'm diving head-long into MCT for 3 children this year. It is a far, far different approach than I've ever used, and I want to "do it" right :D

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Okay - so 2.5 hours is not so far. I am trying to see if I can get there on Friday but it is my kids last day of Public School and I feel like they should be able to say their goodbyes.

They get dismissed at 9:30 am so after the goodbyes I could head down and be there by 1pm. Now if I can find someone to watch the kids...

I am looking forward to learning more and meeting more homeschoolers.


Edited by talantine
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I'm driving 5.5 hours also (hey Wendy, we are meeting in the middle :D ).


It is worth it to me, but we use most of SWB's & MCT's materials. I have heard them both speak, but never together. And I have only heard MCT speak to a group of school administrators not to homeschoolers, so I am looking forward to hearing him with this different audience!


The best part about going to these types of events is seeing several years worth of our curriculum all at once. It wasn't until I saw all of the MCT grammar books laying side by side that I could wrap my mind around the big picutre of MCTLA. Similarly, it wasn't until I saw WWE in person that I was able to see it was so much more than just copywork and narration.


So yes, for me it is worth the drive. If someone wasn't using MCT or WTM materials or philosophy though, I'm not sure it would be worth it.

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I am so excited to hear how that convention goes!


I heard MCT talk at a gifted school to parents & teachers, and he was great. The talk was geared towards school folks, though... I'm curious to hear how he thinks about using his material in a homeschool setting.


I'd agree that it's definitely worth the 2.5 hour drive -- I'm so glad the OP is going!



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I am considering going to the RFWP convention at Valley Forge but can only go Saturday. It will be a 2.5 hour drive. I am new to HS and wonder if it is worth the drive for a day?




Tammie, did you see the schedule of talks I posted? That might help you determine if it's good for you to attend.

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I've been to a SWB conference before, and if I had to, I'd walk to this one (thankfully, it's only an hour's drive) to hear her and MCT in the same day. If it wasn't these 2, I'd say no...but it IS these 2, so my answer to your question is a resounding YES! If you can stay overnight somewhere in VF on Friday, that would make Saturday morning a little easier.

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