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Any idea what could be causing this in ds?

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Gluten Intolerance? My dd (now19) did not have the classic digestive upsets from wheat, her problems were more neurological, but she did say eating made her stomach hurt.


For us, stomach pains turned out to be wheat intolerance, I'm sure there are lots of other potential causes.


I hope you get some useable information. Good luck.

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I don't know the exact moment it changed but my dd was not gluten intolerant when she had ITP (they did a lot of tests). Later after the ITP finally went into remission (about three years) she developed other issues and test showed a gluten intolerance. I don't know how/when/why it started.


Celiac and ITP are both autoimmune disorders, that is the only connection I could see for my dd.


Does your son have any autoimmune issues?

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constipated. That is my standard and so far with my dc, it has always been on the money.


Ask him these questions: [they came from every dr my dc have ever seen. :tongue_smilie:]


When was the last time he went?


Was it hard?


Did it hurt?


Is he gassy?


I'm telling you, you are going along and all is well, next thing you know your child is telling the dr they haven't gone in days. :ohmy::o


My dd is [well supposed to be on but she was better and so we kinda stopped and well . . . you know] on Aloe Vera mixed with apple juice daily, probiotics, lots of water, spinach and other leafy greens, along with fruit and easy on the dairy. If it is really bad, milk of magnesia.



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Tummy aches for DS4 turned out to be tummy aches, as well. Except that we never guessed because he had a bowel movement at least once a day and it was never hard. It wasn't until I mentioned that DS's bowel movements were HUGE that we figured it out. Turned out to be chronic constipation. The size of the stool indicated that his bowels had stretched out. We had to give him Miralax for a couple of months to keep everything soft enough to let his bowels shrink down to normal size.

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Does he mean hurting, as in pain, or nauseous? I ask because my DD, to this day, still says her stomach hurts when she means she feels nauseated.


It might be a virus.


He said he doesn't feel like he has to throw up, it just hurts. He pointed to behind his belly button


I don't know the exact moment it changed but my dd was not gluten intolerant when she had ITP (they did a lot of tests). Later after the ITP finally went into remission (about three years) she developed other issues and test showed a gluten intolerance. I don't know how/when/why it started.


Celiac and ITP are both autoimmune disorders, that is the only connection I could see for my dd.


Does your son have any autoimmune issues?


No autoimmune as far as I know. He has other issues though but not auto immune (hfa,spd,sid, low tone... that sorta thing)

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He said he doesn't feel like he has to throw up, it just hurts. He pointed to behind his belly button


In that case, I'd suspect constipation, or possibly gas (but if there were a problem with gas, I'd also suspect constipation ;)).



If he were nauseous, I'd consider strep (I have a kiddo for whom nausea is the only symptom)

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Pain right around the belly button during and right after eating is pretty indicative of constipation. He can still be having "normal" bowel movements, but if his colon is stretched out he can pass fairly normal BM's around an area of constipation.

DD has struggled with this for years. Daily Miralax has helped immensely! Her gi doc said it may take a couple of years for the stretched out colon to return to normal, and until then BM's should be very soft and almost unformed. He described the ideal bm as a "McDonald's triple thick shake, once a day" Gross.


Miralax is available OTC now. DD takes hers in water at dinnertime, and has a BM after breakfast. She is 10, and does NOT wanting me asking questions about her bowel habits. I made up a litte chart for her to document time, size, consistency, pain, Miralax, etc. etc. She takes care of noting everything and sneaks the chart to me about once a week. When we went in for followup our gi was thrilled to see everything documented! I would suggest keeping such a chart now, so that if you do go in to see the doc you can take it with you.


Good luck with the pooping!


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The last 3 days he has complained about his tummy hurting during meal times but thats it. Runs like normal, plays like normal, drinks like normal and is going to the bathroom just fine. Any food he eats he starts saying that again. He has hardly eaten anything in 2 days. Ideas? Suggestions?


When my oldest was 4 he started having problems with pain before he ate and/or in the middle of a meal. He was diagnosed with 3 stomach ulcers. We put him on a special medicine for one month and a low acid diet. His symptoms stopped. Recently he started having some trouble again, we have an appointment with his GI to get it checked out.


Ulcers can cause pain before, during, or after eating, at bedtime or even during the night. They can also cause nausea and vomiting.


I hope everything is okay with your son. Please get it checked out soon, it could be nothing or it could be something that might cause more problems if left untreated. So sorry that he has been in pain.

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