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History/Science in Chunks?


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Does anyone here do this? We have been doing science one day, history the next, but I've noticed that my daughter just really gets going and geared up, then we switch to the next subject when she really wants to keep going.


So, I gave her the option to keep doing 1/1 OR to switch to 2/2, or 1 week/1 week OR to try something really radical (;)) and just keep going with our Canada studies until we are done, then do our chemistry until it's done, then our next SL core until it is done etc. Sort of like subject-based unit studies :).


The last one is the option she voted for! I talked to DH about it too and he's excited :).


Does anyone else do this?

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I've been thinking about doing this too. This year we've been doing Ambleside, complete with reading books over the course of 12 weeks, but in some cases I do think it's nicer to immerse.


My thought has been to maybe do it like my college was set up. They did the "block plan", which was a whole college course smushed into 3-1/2 weeks, then 1/2 a week off. It was great for both myself and my husband, so I'm wondering if that'll be a better option for my daughter.


I'm not totally sold on switching to unit studies, though. I'm still thinking about it.



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We've done variations on this theme. Some things we've tried: three weeks of history, one week of science; two days of history, two days of science; the traditional way of doing a bit of both each day. I've liked the "blocking" methods and my kids seem to like it also.

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This sounds like what we're doing. We do the 3Rs daily, and then, as we have time we work through unit study on history, civics, science, geography, etc. There will also be fun units like cooking, gross chemistry, camping, and bird-watching. My kids love science, so we also have a weekly science co-op, but it's mostly for just having fun with science, not learning content. At the moment, we're using Intelligo units with library books on each topic thrown in to stretch it out. I'm allowing the kids to pick the topic until they're a bit older and should start on a more organized path. If the kids want a topic that Intelligo doesn't have, I'll pull something together on my own. We're doing early American history right now, and when we're done with that, they've requested maps/geography and insects. For the summer, I plan to do 3Rs Lite with expanded unit studies.


They've quickly sorted their lessons into two categories: "have to's" and "want to's." I'm glad they get excited about the units, but am a little less excited that they're considering reading and math to be less fun. Maybe I should sprinkle in some math and reading units as well that we treat in a creative way. Like, off the top of my head, we could do a fun unit on fractions, in which we cook with recipes, play math games, and find other ways that fractions show up in our lives. I'm thinking pie. :)

Edited by HistoryMom
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Sometimes we do every other week, but most of the time it is more like 3 weeks of science and 3 weeks of history. We chunk. Keep in mind that with 3 weeks that we complete 6 actual weeks of the plans/curriculum schedule. :)


Edit: I need to mention that we do reading, copywork, music, art and our nature studies on Mondays. Tuesday through Friday is devoted to the other subject areas - with Saturday often reserved for large projects if needed.

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I'm so glad I read this thread, this is exactly what we do - but I've always felt guilty about it! I have a schedule printed out with History for Mon/Wed and Science for Thurs/Fri, but we've hardly ever managed to achieve this, tending instead to do 4-6 weeks of history, then because I've felt anxious switched to Science and then done 4-6 weeks of just Science. It is such a relief to realise that this way of working, which I felt was erratic and unbalanced, can actually be seen as a positive, creative choice :001_smile:.

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I noticed you use Noeo Chem for science. How would you break that up (in like 8 wks sessions)? I ask because I have been thinking of breaking up just science with Noeo Biology I and Chem I. Maybe after 6 weeks of weather switch too 6-8 weeks of Chem. I don't have the Chem I guide yet, so I can't see when it there are good breaks in subject areas.

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Thanks for chiming in all! I think we'll just go with one subject until we feel the need to switch, then go from there with the other etc. I also think I'll do composer studies this way - just break, do composer studies, then go with history again :).


Erika - I'm not really sure where a good place to break NOEO Chem I would be! We are only on week 3 ourselves :).

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Thanks for chiming in all! I think we'll just go with one subject until we feel the need to switch, then go from there with the other etc. I also think I'll do composer studies this way - just break, do composer studies, then go with history again :).


Erika - I'm not really sure where a good place to break NOEO Chem I would be! We are only on week 3 ourselves :).

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I am having a rough time with just doing all subjects in one day with 3 children. I tend to keep going with the fun stuff history and science as long as they are enjoying it, right now they are. In the fall we will be doing science twice a week and history twice a week with one day just the english and math and catch up of anything that needs it so we can enjoy the weekend.

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