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My nephew is being deployed ..

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.. in about a month for Afghanistan. This will be his first deployment.


Any suggestions for a gift to get him before he leaves? Something he will definitely need' date=' or really enjoy, while he is over there?


Thanks in advance![/quote']


The most practical possible gift? Get him an AAFES gift card. That way he could buy anything he might want/need to take with him. Depending on where is located once he gets there, he might be able to use them regularly there (especially if he's in Bagram or Kandahar as opposed to a more remote base). eta: You might also send phone cards depending upon where he is and how often he's allowed to call for free.


I'm quoting some info, but the direct link is here http://www.shopmyexchange.com/Community/supporttroops/

AAFES gift cards and gift certificates, up to $500, can be sent by any American who calls (877) 770-4438 or logs on to www.aafes.com. Online visitors can click on the "Gift Cards/Certificates for our Troops" link under AAFES Community Connection on the home page. Gift certificates are sent to individual servicemembers (designated by the purchaser) or distributed to "any servicemember" through the Air Force Aid Society, American Red Cross, Fisher House Foundation Inc., Navy-Marine Corps Relief, USO or Soldiers Family Assistance Center.


By simply logging on to aafes.org or calling 800-527-2345, friends, family members and even civic groups can take part in the “Help Our Troops Call Home” effort by sending any one of three Military Exchange Global Prepaid Phone cards, including a $27.50 card capable of providing more than two hours of call time from any of 69 phone centers in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait to the United States.


Once he gets downrange? I send fun food items (kid cereal, nacho kits, etc, don't send chocolate or anything melty), his preferred personal care items, something fun (on one deployment a bunch of them built ramps and stuff for the penny racers the wives sent downrange), games, books, seasonal boxes (they often have tree/light contests around Christmas, costumes and candy at Halloween), movies.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Totally agree with Mrs Mungo about the AAFES gift card.


On DBIL's last deployment to Iraq we sent him off with a book, (there was one he had been wanting forever), and a bag of his favorite candy for the plane ride.


After we had his APO info. we sent him many of the things Mrs. Mungo listed as well as drink mixes, (think individual packets of crystal lite, koolaid, etc.), mix cds the kids put together, and other items that dc thought their uncle needed, (including an Ariel bath doll :tongue_smilie: ). His unit also had a lot of fun with the boxes of dollar store stuff that my sister sent.

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It really depends on what he's going to be doing there. During my husband's tour in Afghanistan they were very remote and didn't even have access to a PX other than a small once-a-week truck and only had once a month mail drops. Others might be at a large base and have access to good amenities and shopping.


Gift cards are good because they can be used before, after, or during the deployment.


Once he's there I recommend magazines and movies as these were always in demand and could be passed around and shared. Favorite foods are good too though I try not to send candy or sweets because many of the guys are into fitness and this stuff gets sent by the bucketful. My husband and his men often preferred healthier stuff like canned meat, canned fruits, etc. Starbucks Via is popular and any unusual food stuff - my husband got sent a huge box of gourmet non-perishable items from Trader Joe's (smoked salmon, fancy crackers, etc.) and it was a huge hit. Toiletries are also usually sent in abundance by USO, church groups, etc. so that was seldom needed.

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Our 4-H club put together 3 huge boxes of stuff last fall for a unit in Afghanistan. Most requested items were toiletries (shampoo, razors, shaving cream, toothpaste/toothbrushes, etc), individual snack bags (cookies, chips, etc). and individual pouches of gatorade, etc that they could add to their water. And number one on the wish list..... red bull and doritos lol! I agree w/ the phone/gift card before he leaves though!

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Toiletries are also usually sent in abundance by USO, church groups, etc. so that was seldom needed.


I agree with this, but, my dh has a sensitive face. There is only one kind of aftershave stuff he liked, so I sent that. There are a couple of other toiletry items he is picky about.


I sent fancy coffee for the communal coffee maker. My dh doesn't even drink coffee, but it was one of the things the other guys thanked me for when they got back home. :)

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We are Navy but my husband was with the Army for a year. During that times we sent a boxes of powder/liquid creamers, mayo packets (requested), mini calandar with family pics/drawings from family with possible homecomming date circled. During the American holidays we'd go to the dollar store or dollar section and get all the little cheap toys for that holiday and send them. They guys and sometimes the gal owuld all enjoy the fun box. Homemade goodies always a hit. Make extra some for just him and some to share.

I couldn't send calling cards or gift cards because they wouldn't accept the calling card I had for him and there were no military bases of any kind near wher I was living when he went. Now that he's back on a ship they have their calling cards and special ship only card so money isn't passed along in the ship stores.

Don't forget those snail mail letters. In this day and age it's all emails but it sure is nice to get that letter too on mail day.

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Forgive me for being so clueless, but how does a AAFES gift card work? I am guessing it works like a debit card, but is it used at the commissaries?


And if I was to pack him up a whole box of supplies is that something he can take with him? Or does it get shipped to him? I like this idea, but I don't know if he can show up for his deployment with a huge box of stuff ..


See? I told you I was clueless about how this works! :tongue_smilie:


I don't have anything to add, but wanted to offer my appreciation and prayers for his safe return.

<<hugs>> to him and all his family.


Thank you! <3

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