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Mystery of History audio without the textbook?


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Has anyone used any of the MOH resources to supplement another curriculum without buying the main text?


I'm thinking of just downloading the audio–and don't laugh–the coloring book. I find it relaxing to color while listening to audio books. I sometimes color while listening to the Bible.


I'm so tired lately, and I thought this might be an almost effortless way to get more history done.

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We love the MOH audios and that's about the only way we get history done here, just by listening to history audiobooks. I did buy the text, but stopped after a few chapters. We're on round 2 of MOH1 and SOTW1 this year, and by listening to these audiobooks, I've noticed that DD can retain the information even while playing by herself.

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I just checked out the SOTW audios. I don't think I like the stories. I don't think nomads didn't bathe :-0 I'm probably throwing out the baby with the bahtwater, but my initial impression was...yuck!


Tell me what is so good about the SOTW audios.


What other history audio textbooks are available?

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Yes I'm looking for myself and for a friend. We have used some Teaching Company things, but we both are remedial students. I have suffered some post trauma memory loss and she has dyslexia. We find we retain things best when we mix middle school and remedial junior college resources, with the adult resources.


On bad days, when life is just overwhelming, I like to have easy lessons ready to just whip out, and an hour later we feel so good about having pushed through and learned something significant. And later on in the week, when we are having a better day, we follow up with an adult resource, on the same topic, if we found the middle school level one interesting.

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I do that with MOH and SOTW to supplement my TOG. (OK, have alphabet soup going on with that one...:D) Anyway, I ended up buying SOTW 1 and 3 (found them on sale...), and I'm saving for 2 and 4, and all of the MOH volumes, just because I have a SuperReader in our family, and she wants them. But, it's definitely do-able with just the audios.

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I'm thinking of just doing the audios this fall with our SL 1+2. Linda Hobar did a nice job reading them IMO. If you learn well from audio, they are great. I'm hoping DD will really enjoy them - she learns a LOT from audio. I'm one of those strange people who doesn't learn well from listening, even when I read out loud I miss more of it than I do if I read quietly!


What you get with the book are the pre-tests, quizzes, hands-on and extra research activities (might do a few but there are SO many to choose from), additional reading list, instructions for a timeline (we're using a different one), instructions for memory card review (I want to use these), and maps (I think we'll use Map Trek instead, but we'll see).


HTH Hunter!

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I just checked out the SOTW audios. I don't think I like the stories. I don't think nomads didn't bathe :-0 I'm probably throwing out the baby with the bahtwater, but my initial impression was...yuck!


Tell me what is so good about the SOTW audios.


Sorry Hunter, I didn't realize it was for you. I really think these are best suited for elementary aged. Now that said, I can't answer for the nomads! You might really like MOH. We did last year and found it engaging. We just needed a changed of pace since many of mine are early elem.


I really don't know of other history audios that serve as a spine for your studies. :confused:


BTW....I love your quote in your sig line. I have homeschooled 10 years to sort that out!:tongue_smilie:

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There are history audiobooks that are free at librivox.org, but a couple of them do/may have objectionable material as they were written a century ago. They are very well-written and, when I hear a word or phrase that is offensive, I use the opportunity to discuss what we've heard. I almost bought Diane Waring's history CDs, but I've already spent a bundle on SOTW 1-3 and MOH 1-2, so I'm only using librivox for additional stories.

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Thank you all. I found an ipad/ipod app that downloads the libravox audios directly onto the device. I listened to American History Stories on the train today. It is...sadly racist, but I feel like it was well worth listening to. So far the author has not felt the need to discuss the bathing habits of anyone yet :-) Sorry, it's on of my pet peeves with children's history books :-0


Jennifer, I'm not an audio learner either, but my eyes are bothering me lately, and I spend a lot of time on trains, and sometimes I like to self-soothe by knitting or coloring, so if I listen to EASY stuff there is a place for the addition of audio resources into my day.


When I really need to study hard, I need print. I need to be able to flip through the material first to get an overview and then read at my own pace, slow and faster as needed. I like that Teaching Company supplies outlines of the lectures. It helps to skim the outlines before or while listening.


At some point I'll probably get the MOH audios, but right now the Libravox audios fill the hole. Thanks a LOT everyone. The train was so late and I get so antsy waiting, as the station fills up with other anxious people. It was so helpful to have something to focus on and feel like I was accomplishing something worthy. The explorers stories is fitting in so nicely with my geography studies.


AOmom, you can download the audios from the main website. It's nice that you can download 1/4 of a year at a time, so it's only $10.00 to get started.


Melissa, I've learned to use stuff that others turn their noses up at, if it gets the job done. I no longer care if it says kindergarten on it. If I've gotten this far in life without learning the material, all the better to have it spoon fed to me :-) I just like biographies better than fiction, and have this thing about ever-present assumptions about bathing. SOTW isn't entirely out, just near the bottom of the list. I'm glad to know about it.

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It's just called Audiobooks. It is blue and has a yellow banner across it saying "free".


It doesn't seem to shut off correctly on my ipod and drains the battery :-0 I need to figure out how to completely turn it off. I had this same problem with an audio player on my old palm phone.


I'm not sure if it is draining my ipad. It doesn't stay both unplugged and idle long enough to notice.

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I was going to mention Diana Waring's History Revealed audio sets, too. Just in case anyone is wondering about them...


you can download FREE samples of the audio CD's & curriculum books at

her website: http://www.dianawaring.com


you can watch a FREE 15 minute online video which explains how her

curriculum works at: http://www.historyrevealed.org



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