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HCG Diet community group?

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I lost 25 pounds and I've stayed at the same weight after one week of doubling the calories (still not starches or sugars). The phase I'm on is almost identical to Adkins (but with a calorie limit).


I've dropped 2 top sizes and almost 2 pant sizes in the past 6 weeks! I loose weight from the top down-- I just wish my hips would have slimmed down a bit more before I finished the round.


I used the homeopathic drops and a 42 day schedule (first 2 days were loading days).


Let me know if you need meal suggestions!



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Dragon Academy, I see from your siggy that you have only 6 lbs more to lose, I'd been led to believe that hCG was only for large weight loss? I guess I'm hoping you're right and I'm wrong - I'm still 10 lbs heavier than I was before having my four children and just can't shift it no matter how hard I try. If you've heard that it can be used for smaller amounts of weight loss I'd love to know. If it can, do you follow a different program?


Now I'm getting really excited, I might be able to join the community group soon too :001_smile:.

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Dragon Academy, I see from your siggy that you have only 6 lbs more to lose, I'd been led to believe that hCG was only for large weight loss? I guess I'm hoping you're right and I'm wrong - I'm still 10 lbs heavier than I was before having my four children and just can't shift it no matter how hard I try. If you've heard that it can be used for smaller amounts of weight loss I'd love to know. If it can, do you follow a different program?

Now I'm getting really excited, I might be able to join the community group soon too :001_smile:.

Cassy, I'm obviously not Dragon Academy, but yes, hcg can work for smaller amounts of weight loss. :D

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Don't go by the info in my siggy. That is my primary weight loss goal. I would like to lose about 15 more, but I will be happy with losing 10. I am an athlete (cyclist & tennis player) and I want to be fit not model thin.


My main desire is to see if hcG will help me lose the belly fat. I can lose weight but it never comes off of my lower belly.


From what I have read hcG is okay for those wanting to lose smaller amounts of weight. This is why I chose the 21 day plan. If the projected weight loss of .5-1 pound per day is accurate than I should have more than enough to meet my mini goal of 10 pound and my Woohoo! goal of 15. If, by some quirk of fate, I can lose 21 pounds I will be at the weight I was when I got married, which was before competitive tennis and the building up of muscle.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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Thank you so much Negin and Dragon Academy, you've made my day :D. I get so frustrated at trying so hard to lose even a couple of pounds and I seem to be always hungry. 10 lbs would be the very maximum I'd need to lose (then I would be the weight I was when I got married :001_smile:), even 3 or 4 lbs would be brilliant - like you, Dragon Academy, it's all on my stomach. I'll get on to ordering some. Pellets or drops? Hmm ... I'll do some reading.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Would anyone here be able to educate me on that? I am one of those that do not have a lot of weight to lose, however I am overweight. I have about 15 - 20 lbs to get rid of. So, I looked up the site and am still at loss. I am currently doing exercises 6 days a week and I like it a lot, but the numbers are not changing. So, I need some serious help.

Thanks. Be well


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Thank you.


I lost 25 pounds and I've stayed at the same weight after one week of doubling the calories (still not starches or sugars). The phase I'm on is almost identical to Adkins (but with a calorie limit).


I've dropped 2 top sizes and almost 2 pant sizes in the past 6 weeks! I loose weight from the top down-- I just wish my hips would have slimmed down a bit more before I finished the round.


I used the homeopathic drops and a 42 day schedule (first 2 days were loading days).


Let me know if you need meal suggestions!



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Would anyone here be able to educate me on that? I am one of those that do not have a lot of weight to lose, however I am overweight. I have about 15 - 20 lbs to get rid of. So, I looked up the site and am still at loss. I am currently doing exercises 6 days a week and I like it a lot, but the numbers are not changing. So, I need some serious help.

Thanks. Be well


Miriam, I wish I had time, but if you do a search here and join the group, you'll see lots and lots of helpful info. hcg (homeopathic in particular) can be very helpful in losing 15-20 pounds. Any diet can work if you stick with it. hcg is very helpful to many. It has been to me.

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Thank you Negin. I did read some and was in disbelief that it says to eat 500 calories a day. I am thinking that this may lead to a huge muscle mass loss. I do exercise 6 days a week and enjoy it. While I sure can love the idea of shedding 20 lbs in a very short period of time, in all honesty I am afraid of the consequences of it. Also, how long does one have to stay on that 500 calories/day in order to maintain the results on a long term basis?

Thanks again. Be well


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. I want to commend everyone here for, is taking the opportunity that you have been given...and using it to make this change needed...for your life and health. Great job!!!:party:

Edited by lvbnhome
too many random thought...less is more..thanks:0
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I'm in!!!


I'm on day 26 and am down 14 lbs. I'm not losing as fast as some do on the diet, but this is the very first diet I have been on in a looooong time where I am actually losing! I seriously thought there was something wrong with me. I did weight watchers about 6 years ago...which was the last diet that actually got me losing...and I lost 18 pounds in a little over 3 mths. I tried it again and gained 5 pounds after starving for two weeks. :confused:


My ds has been on HCG for 25 days and is down about 20 lbs. He's looking great!


This diet can be tough at times though. How do you ladies work around special dinners/occasions? Yesterday I had a luncheon to attend. I thankfully found a 3 egg white & grilled chicken omelet. I lost .6 this morning. Today I have a breakfast to attend. Ugh. And tonight I have a special dinner to attend at Outback restaurant. Ugh. Thankfully most restaurants have something I can manipulate, but it's hard to stay within 500 calories when eating out. I know there will be no way I can do that today....so I'm just going to expect some gain tomorrow. Though, oftentimes I lose when I eat extra protein....so I'll stick with protein meals.


My ds began losing faster when he added in extra protein and dropped the grissini. He was stuck for the longest time at a 12 lb loss.


Anyhow, I'm all for accountability and encouragement. =) I only have until the 19th to lose more weight and then I HAVE to go on Phase 3 as hubby and I are going on vacation. I was hoping I'd be down 20 by then, but it doesn't look like I'll get there. =(


I'm using the homeopathic pellets (meridian)

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I did read some and was in disbelief that it says to eat 500 calories a day.

Miriam, these were exacty my thoughts when I first heard about hcg. I was like, "500 Calories a day?!!! You have GOT to be kidding me!" But if done properly, muscle mass is not lost.

Rigorous exercise is not recommended. Nothing overly strenuous. The key is to listen to your body.

P2 is for 26 days, but most do it for 43. That's the 500 calorie phase.

P3 and P4 are maintenance, etc.


By looking at the some other posts...People seem sooo concerned about the repercussions of using HCG and "i'm so scared to lose fat from my____ muscle"....but what is kinda funny (in my mind) is the thinking of denying oneself for such a limited time is going to do such overwhelming damage, which does not happen on HCG.

And what does carrying 35-100 pounds of fat for years, due for the same muscle???

hat isn't healthy either..It is also funny (in my mind) that at the same time, we can have so much stored fat in our bodies, and if we aren't ready to begin using all of the stored energy, by working it off..by exercising and daily doing the act of discipline....that is not healthy...

and has been proven over and over again...to do far more damage than this is one diet.

Thank you for sharing this very encouraging and helpful post. I wish that all the skeptics and discouraged people here would read this. Thank you for this. :grouphug:


I'm on day 26 and am down 14 lbs.

This diet can be tough at times though. How do you ladies work around special dinners/occasions?

Melissa, congrats!!! :D

Special occasions and dinners ... on my first round and when I was far more successful and disciplined, I tried to really avoid them. I barely did anything. This time around, I'm having a harder time since I have very little choice in the matter. That's what works for me ... avoidance. Others are more disciplined. I know myself and I'm not. :confused:

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As far as going out... I'll put in my 2 cents.


I had no problem with that. I made sure that I had my portion before, and didn't worry about it. I rarely felt hungry anyway, and the thought of going through such a drastic change, and screwing it up....kept me totally on track. If anything, I felt like I could have skipped more calories than eaten more.


I went to a wedding and took my kids to the favorite ice cream place several times. No problem.


I would say to limit outings as much as you can, if you have trouble resisting temptation. As it is such a short time, I found it easy to stick to. That is where the mental part comes in.

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Special occasions and dinners ... on my first round and when I was far more successful and disciplined, I tried to really avoid them. I barely did anything. This time around, I'm having a harder time since I have very little choice in the matter. That's what works for me ... avoidance. Others are more disciplined. I know myself and I'm not. :confused:


Well, I made it through my day of outings yesterday! I went to breakfast, ordered two eggs over easy and dry ww toast. I ate one piece of toast and my eggs with copious amounts of plain iced tea.


Last night I went to Outback...and fell. I wanted steak sooo bad, and I wanted some garlic mashed potatoes! So, I bought the Victoria steak with horshradish topping, the garlic potatoes, and a dry salad. After scraping off all of my croutons and cheese, I ate my salad with some red wine vinegar...along with a couple lil dips of the fork into the ranch they gave me on the side (TEMPTATION! :lol:) I ate all of my steak....it was tiny (and delicious)...and half of my potatoes which were....oh....so...goooood.:drool: I then drink lots and lots and lots of water hoping to wash it all away.:lol:


Got up this morning thinking for sure I gained. I didn't. I was down .6. Whew! I am sooooooo thankful. No more outings in the near future! Yay! I have only one more week on P2 to lose as much as I can, and then I have to put myself on P3 for mine and hubbys vacation. I think after P3 though, I will cycle back to P2 to get the last few pounds off. I'm really not missing the sugar, and starches that much. Yes, I wanted some potatoes last night, but I had the will power to only eat half of them, and Outback doesn't give you a lot, just a large ice cream scoop size. Mashed potatoes are my one great weakness and to be able to stop myself at 1/2 was progress indeed!;)


Anyhow, all that to say, don't cheat like I did yesterday! :lol::lol: I was very fortunate to have still lost. Avoid them outings as much as you can. Ugh.

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