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Science curriculum suggestions

Guest audreys

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Guest audreys

I am hoping to get some suggestions of science curriculums out there. I just read TWTM and love the ideas of repeating every four years. My daughter is just finishing first grade, but we will be starting with the SOTW: Ancients in history.


Now to science, do you have any suggestions on a young earth, creation curriculum? I would prefer curriculums that provide experiments, rather than just reading about science. Also, I am Catholic, so preferably nothing that goes against Catholic beliefs.


Thank you so much. Since I'm new, please don't use abbreviations or I may not know what you're talking about.




dd6 - SOTW, Spelling Workout, FLL, Right Start Math

ds4 - listens to lots of older sister school

dd1 -

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Off topic I know but doesn't a young earth view run counter to what the RC proclaims?

Without getting too detailed, I'll just say "It depends". :) I'm an old earth, theistic evolutionist. Opinoin varies amongst my Catholic friends.


OP, you might be interested in Noeo. It's neutral on topics regarding the age of the earth and is classical. It has experiments as well as living books. My kids have loved it.

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I second the Noeo recommendation. It is all laid out for you, so it is easy to implement, but you don't have to read from a script. It involves reading some real (age appropriate for a 1st-2nd grader) books, and involves plenty of experiments (I have the chem level 1 program; I don't own the other two programs (physics and bio).



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Without getting too detailed, I'll just say "It depends". :) I'm an old earth, theistic evolutionist. Opinoin varies amongst my Catholic friends.



I'm Catholic and the above definition fits my beliefs fairly well. The RCC takes no position about the age of the earth.


Apologia is Young Earth, which is the way the OP wants to go, though I know little enough about it to know if it is anti-Catholic. Core Knowledge has a very interesting K-5 science sequence and it could easily be tweaked to fit whatever belief system a parent wants to present.

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We use Apologia. We're on our second book, and I've not seen anything that would be considered anti-Catholic in it. Denominations aren't mentioned at all. We really love it! It has tons of projects for my hands on learner, and my reader really enjoys reading it. We notebook with it, too, and the kids just adore it. There would probably be a mutiny if I tried to change!

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Apologia is young earth and you can purchase coordination experiment kits to go with it. You used to be able to download free notebooking pages from the Apologia website, and they also had a section of internet links (broken down by chapter) for each book. I don't know if Apologia still offers those free resources; it's been a few years since I used any of their materials.

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Guest audreys

Thank you for all the suggestions. Still not sure which route I'm going to take, but I appreciate the starting point!

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We're Catholic and use the suggestions at this site. http://donahueacademy.org/curriculum/

The science is Harcourt, which is also what Kolbe uses. I bought mine on amazon for about $8 with shipping. If you go this route, I recommend buying the Teacher's Edition of the Student Workbook, as the Teacher's Edition can be copied for the students( the answers don't show up on the copy).


You can see in my signature that we are using My Father's World, for me it's the easiest way to combine all of the things that I like ( Story of the World, science,art etc). For my older child, I am adding in the Harcourt Science, because he loves it.



Hope that helped!


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We're Catholic and use the suggestions at this site. http://donahueacademy.org/curriculum/

The science is Harcourt, which is also what Kolbe uses. I bought mine on amazon for about $8 with shipping. If you go this route, I recommend buying the Teacher's Edition of the Student Workbook, as the Teacher's Edition can be copied for the students( the answers don't show up on the copy).

Hope that helped!


How do the experiments and activities work?
We're Catholic ...


You can see in my signature that we are using My Father's World, for me it's the easiest way to combine all of the things that I like ( Story of the World, science,art etc).

Good to know!

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How do the experiments and activities work?


Good to know!

We are using our 3rd Harcourt Science book and so far ( books for 2,4,6th grades) all of the experiments have been things I had around the house, straws, rubber bands, empty soda bottles, baking soda etc. It also has profiles of scientists.


There are chapter tests. If you buy the Teacher's Edition of the Student book, it has copyable pages that really enrich the book. They cover the scientific method, writing prompts, creating a hypothesis, venn diagrams, graphic organizers, vocabulary, experiment logs and some more!


We like the books a lot! My other books are packed up but here are the ISBN's for the 6th grade set. Student book 0153229233 Teacher Edition of workbook 0153237228


Hope that helps! Kim

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We are using our 3rd Harcourt Science book and so far ( books for 2,4,6th grades) all of the experiments have been things I had around the house, straws, rubber bands, empty soda bottles, baking soda etc. It also has profiles of scientists.


There are chapter tests. If you buy the Teacher's Edition of the Student book, it has copyable pages that really enrich the book. They cover the scientific method, writing prompts, creating a hypothesis, venn diagrams, graphic organizers, vocabulary, experiment logs and some more!


We like the books a lot! My other books are packed up but here are the ISBN's for the 6th grade set. Student book 0153229233 Teacher Edition of workbook 0153237228


Hope that helps! Kim

Thank you. It sounds great.
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