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Does SWB no longer recommend Kingfisher for logic stage?


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I was looking through my new 3rd edition WTM. In the grammar stage section, it still says the bit about using Kingfisher History Encyclopedia in logic stage but go ahead and buy it now for the lists to memorize. But in the logic stage section, I can't find any mention of the Kingfisher book. It suggests DK, National Geographic, and Usborne instead. So, does she no longer recommend the Kingfisher book? Is there some reason? :confused:

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Kingfisher History Encyclopedia is still in print. (The Kingfisher Illustrated History, which was the edition recommended in the 1st ed. WTM went out of print almost at the time WTM was published, but KHE is almost the same and has been available since then.)


I don't have the most recent WTM ed in the house... I'm thinking the volumes you listed are the ones she recommends for more advanced logic-stage readers? Is there, perhaps, another section you were missing?


Either way, we've found Kingfisher a better supplement to SOTW for grammar stage / early logic. I like having something with a little more depth for logic stage (especially midway through logic stage)...

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Kingfisher History Encyclopedia is still in print. (The Kingfisher Illustrated History, which was the edition recommended in the 1st ed. WTM went out of print almost at the time WTM was published, but KHE is almost the same and has been available since then.)


I don't have the most recent WTM ed in the house... I'm thinking the volumes you listed are the ones she recommends for more advanced logic-stage readers? Is there, perhaps, another section you were missing?


Either way, we've found Kingfisher a better supplement to SOTW for grammar stage / early logic. I like having something with a little more depth for logic stage (especially midway through logic stage)...


Right before the 3rd edition went to print, SWB was told that Kingfisher would go out of print again, so she scrambled to find a replacement rec (there was a long thread here). I think she just missed updating the grammar section, so it's reference. Obviously, though, Kingfisher never actually went out of print.

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Well, I can't make heads or tails of either recommendation.



  • UILEWH is not outlining friendly (what was I thinking buying it?).
  • Kingfisher is available but not listed as recommended. Does not appear outlining friendly for a 5th grader learning how to outline.
  • The recommded DK History of the World is not being sold on Amazon.
  • The National Geographic Almanac of World Histoyr and History: The Definitive Guide are too far past my dd's reading level.

One of the posters on the referenced thread suggested the Oxford Children's History of the World. It looks promising?

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I was looking through my new 3rd edition WTM. In the grammar stage section, it still says the bit about using Kingfisher History Encyclopedia in logic stage but go ahead and buy it now for the lists to memorize. But in the logic stage section, I can't find any mention of the Kingfisher book. It suggests DK, National Geographic, and Usborne instead. So, does she no longer recommend the Kingfisher book? Is there some reason? :confused:


I think she just missed updating the grammar section, so it's reference.


:iagree: I noticed that, too. But yeah, it's just that KF was going OOP at the time, but then it came back into print or never did go OOP. But by then, she had already published the new WTM. There is nothing wrong with using KF.


Well, I can't make heads or tails of either recommendation.



  • UILEWH is not outlining friendly (what was I thinking buying it?).

  • Kingfisher is available but not listed as recommended. Does not appear outlining friendly for a 5th grader learning how to outline.

  • The recommded DK History of the World is not being sold on Amazon.

  • The National Geographic Almanac of World Histoyr and History: The Definitive Guide are too far past my dd's reading level.

One of the posters on the referenced thread suggested the Oxford Children's History of the World. It looks promising?


All of them are valid choices for a logic stage history spine. I don't think the first three are outlining-friendly, and I haven't seen the other two. I would just pick any one of these that appeals to you and your kids, use it for a starting point, and outline from supplementary library books or World Book encyclopedia articles.

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Just wanted to add that the SOTW AG for Year 4 has helps for outlining SOTW 4 itself. We will hit that level in 7th grade--if dd hasn't had outlining yet (she is in ps for 5th and 6th grade), we'll just outline SOTW 4. We will read in Kingfisher (and we have the Definitive one, too) and use the encyclopedia resources for the recommended "mini-research" papers throughout logic stage.


Then, when we get to 8th grade, I'll start having her outline as in WTM. I need a little handholding myself, so starting with the AG 4 is great for me.

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My understanding of Logic Stage history was that you'd use USB or KF for getting your facts, write a list, put them on a timeline, note any famous battles or people. Then DC would pick something of interest from USB or KF to further research. You would then outline the chosen book and write a summary. So you could choose one of the Ancient World volumes, say textiles in Ancient CHina, and DC would outline a few pages of interest and write a summary from the outline.


WHile I love K12's Human Odyssey, SWB would never recommend it, I think, b/c it's not readily available on the retail market. But it's good for outlining as is the World in Ancient Times series. I want to try outlining the Suzanne Strauss Art book as well. My goal is to have some of these on hand for further research so we don't have to run to the library every week.

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