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What to use before Sequential Spelling?

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I am using Sequential Spelling with my third grader and have been happy with it.


I bounced around through several spelling programs with him before settling on this one. I intend to use SS with my next son as well, but would like to start it in 3rd grade.


So now, I am trying to decide what spelling to do with him for 1st and 2nd grade. I don't want to start another program that we won't finish if we switch to SS in 3rd grade.


For those who use Sequential Spelling, what curriculum do you use before you child is ready for SS? Or do you start SS earlier than 3rd grade? Or skip spelling altogether until your child is ready for SS?


I'm exploring my options here. :D But I am pretty happy with Sequential Spelling, so not looking to make an overall switch in programs, just something to use for 1st & 2nd. Or maybe just continuing to focus on phonics during these years and start him on SS when he seems ready?

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I was going to start my 1st grader on SS1 next year but only do 10 words from each lesson. Then in 2nd grade do the rest of the words. Then in 3rd grade go into SS2.


My other plan is to do 5 words in 1st grade and then 10 in 2nd and 10 in 3rd.


The reason I'm starting her in it in 1st grade is because she has asked. My 3rd grader has only done phonics so far and no spelling because he wasn't ready.


I haven't done this before so I can't say if it will work. Just my future plan. I started my oldest in SS1 in 4th grade so we are a year behind with her. My 3rd grader will start with SS1 next year.



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  • 2 months later...

What we did was to find like words in 1st grade using Phonics Pathways as our guide. I imagine you could use any phonics program We did no spelling until they were reading CVC words well. Then once we hit k=-ck (page 53 in our edition) we used letter tiles to build all the words once a day. When we began 2nd grade we began with letter tiles and ended the year with written lists. I have Writing delayed boys. When we started writing the words we began with 5 words and worked up to 15 by the end of the year. In 3rd my 2nd ds struggled to complete all 25 words (writing wise) but had no spelling struggles. A good writer would have no troubles I think.


The thing is we did spelling separate from Phonics. We did not require them to spell the words before moving on in reading.


The boys 1st spelling list












Last list before SS
















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