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What would one send to a female marine stationed in Afghanistan?

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One of the wives of a sailor on my dh's boat is stationed in Afghanistan. I have never met her, but I will in 5 or 6 months. I thought it would be nice for the other wives to put together a care package.


I have looked at a few lists but I'm not sending toiletries. It's just a little weird. What are some fun and useful things you can think of?


Thanks for your input. I'm making a list to present to the other wives.



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One of the wives of a sailor on my dh's boat is stationed in Afghanistan. I have never met her, but I will in 5 or 6 months. I thought it would be nice for the other wives to put together a care package.


I have looked at a few lists but I'm not sending toiletries. It's just a little weird. What are some fun and useful things you can think of?


Thanks for your input. I'm making a list to present to the other wives.




I'm not sure what you mean by toiletries-you mean you don't want to send tampons or something? I can see why you'd feel that was weird and honestly, they get plenty of that stuff through the Red Cross. I would send other personal care products like lotion (even my hubby went through a ton of lotion), lip balm, face and foot masks, lovely smelling soaps...I think any of those kinds of things would be popular and useful but not *too* personal.


Other good ideas are snacks, novels, girl movies (the $5 DVD bin is my friend), packs of greeting cards she can send to people, stationary...just think about the little luxuries you indulge yourself with.

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I'll second the above suggestions. Thing of things that aren't going to be in a tiny little NEX, etc. Books are always nice, if you can find out what sort she likes to read. And definitely movies.

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What would one send to a female marine stationed in Afghanistan?


Do you know exactly where she's stationed? (Out and about, or in "solid" location.)


DH has been in both situations and when in a "solid" location he didn't like me sending anything, as they had all sorts of stuff being sent in from *everywhere*. It was meant to be dolled out to those "out and about" but those who were didn't want to carry. (Am I making a lick of sense?)


Anyway, it got to a point where they designated an entire trailor as a warehouse of sorts, and anyone could feel free to go in and "resupply".


Being in the service myself, I would not have appreciated "girly" things when out in the field. . .but that's me, others may feel differently.


I certainly wouldn't have appreciated "scents" though. Certain scents attract bugs, and some are strong enough to be "smelt" quite some distance. (This could be a danger to her and her group if she's out and about.)


I think your best bet is to find out what kind of locale she's in. See if you can get information from those that know her (like her DH who's on the boat with yours?).


Oh, and while movies may be a good idea. . .remember they are not in short supply of ultra-cheap pirated movies over there.

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Well, one thing that I really wanted when I was in Saudie was powdered drink mix to put in bottled water. A lot of the time the water would be warm and having some flavor in it made it less yucky :tongue_smilie: Another was fly paper. We kept some in the front of our tent. Lip balm, sun screen, hand lotion, books, ect.... were also welcomed. Highest thing on every ones list tho was MangoShark cool aid to put in our water. Coolaid doen't that flavor anymore which is too bad :lol:

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Gatorade and others are making little mix packs now too. When we sent some a couple years ago, it was hard to find much beside crystal light and koolaid, now there are lots of choices.


Not a fun choice, but one that's been requested around here was foot powders.


I'd see if you can find more particular info from her or hubby.

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