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Best science documentaries/movies for kids?


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Because we know how to have fun around here, I've spent the weekend making lists of netflix movies to go with our history next year for....Documentary Night! There will be popcorn! I want to do a list for science, too, and I'm having a harder time finding recommendations. We'll probably be focusing on earth and space science, so I'm particularly interested in documentaries--and relevant and age appropriate (for 5-10 year olds who are not especially sensitive about scary movies) non-documentary movies--relating to that. And are there any existing lists out there of movies coordinating with WTM science recommendations, by chance? That would be handy.

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We just watched Mysteries of Egypt with my 6yo, and she loved it! The story is told by a grandfather to his granddaughter, who looks to be about 10yo. Dd especially loved the scene where the girl was actually sitting on a pyramid. And there are lots of parts that are dramatized, like King Tut's funeral.

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For Earth and Space, my DS7 and DS10 are held spellbound by "How the Universe Works." My kids retain, thrash over, analyze, debate, and discuss the information in each episode for weeks afterward.


For fun, and because it is so very cool, they also get to watch, "Monster Bug Wars." Spectacular photography, more about bugs than anybody ought to ever know, unfortunately corny dubbed in sound effects.


Both of them also eat up all the "Mythbusters" that they can absorb. Anything where stuff routinely blows up holds their attention pretty well, though the science is explained pretty fast and not very deep in this last selection.


Have fun!




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Monster Black Holes was fascinating!


Connections (there are multiple DVDs) is a great series explaining the connections between various historical and scientific events. I highly recommend it.


We're currently watching Life in the Undergrowth, which is quite good.


Blue Planet is also excellent, as are Earth: the Biography and Life in Cold Blood



ETA: Oops! kalanamak beat me to most of them!

Edited by Kebo
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