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MCT Magic Lens Level

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I used the grammar only. MCT gets repetitive, as I suppose all grammar programs do, but it got to be a bit much, so we set it aside about halfway through. We were using the old edition though, and maybe the new edition is better.

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I have the brand new Magic Lens #1 books that came out in April. I really like it. My son had previously done Shurley English through book 6 and BJU through book 8. I love these books so much more. Remember the grammar portion is suppose to be done with in 1 quarter approximately then put it away and work on the remaining books for the rest of the year. I love the poetics. FYI MCT is suppose to be coming out with a literature component shortly. (When I asked him at a recent convention he wasn't willing to give an approximate date.) This is not for the faint of heart, if you can go to a conference or borrow someone's to look at it. The work is challenging in my opinion, which is what we were looking for.

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Do you happen to know what age/grade these are targeted to?

On the MCT support site Michael said, "I am now working on The Wind in the Willows, by Kenneth Grahame. It is a work of genius, and every day that I work on it I fall more under its spell. The MCT edition will have vocabulary notes at the bottoms of the pages to make reading effortless and to boost vocabulary painlessly, and it will have language illustrations all through, showing poetic lines and interesting grammar, taking students deeper into the thinking of the author's literary mind. There will be a comment by me at the end about characters and themes, and an instructor manual will cover this book and two others. The next book I do will be Peter Pan."

I added the bold.

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  • 6 months later...

We have found MCT Magic Lens 1 to be pretty repetitive of MCT Grammar Voyage, starting it about a year and 3 months after finishing Grammar Voyage. My son and I found Grammar Voyage to be terrific (didn't do the earlier MCT grammar); not sure what we'll do with Magic Lens 1 yet. We have the new edition. Age/grade discussion can be found at:



Very roughly Magic Lens 1 is supposed to be around grade 6-7 but it really depends upon previous experience. Overall, the MCT materials are great.

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I used the old Magic Lens 1 and I didn't like it. I found it difficult to implement in a homeschool setting. I also have the new ML1, which I'm planning to use with my 9yo after we finish Hake this year. It looks *much* better than the old version. I hope he updates ML2 and 3 as well.


We are skipping Grammar Voyage (which I also used with my older son). MCT grammar gets repetitive.


ETA: And here is another resurrected thread. And again I prove that I am consistent!

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