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OPG too repetitive/ phonics questions


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My son didn't like the lessons until we got to the actual reading lessons (starts somewhere around 27 or something). Those are worth their weight in gold! Maybe you could teach her the letter sounds in a more fun way and then move on to the reading lessons. Don't give up on the program until you try those though!

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songs? what songs? I made up my own for the vowels... Sometimes we split 1 lesson into 2. You just have to 'read' the child. We put 3 or 4 lesson words on white boards and we don't do a complete review every day.


For instance, we are on lesson 106. Today I pointed to the Long o vowel bends and asked my son to read a word from each list I had on a white board. Then I said, can you read those green (I wrote the 'disobedient' ones in green) words? Then, "What about those purple words with 'ew'. What sound does that 'ew' make?" Then on to the lesson.


If the lesson is long, just do some of the words and the sentences the next day.


I rarely let my son look at the book because he says, "I have to read all of those sentences?" and becomes frustrated. Instead, I write them down with colored marker, one at a time in a notebook. Once he gets through a sentence he gets to pick out a sticker and put it by the sentence.


I try hard to not put more than 3 or 4 sentences on one side of the notebook because then it looks like A LOT.


Hope some of this helps. OPG has been wonderful for us. He's reading Green Eggs & Ham this week and we're not even half way through the book. :001_smile:

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Once my kids knew the letter sounds, I moved on to the short reading lessons. I always did 'two review and one new' with them. The lessons are so short and easy in the beginning, that my kids never had time to complain.


If there are only two letters that she does not know, I'd just spend an extra few minutes on those letters every day. I'd have her read a few words with and 'i' in them, and a few with an 'e' in them. (sip, tip, lip/bed, red, fed).


The repetitive part is necessary.

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First, it's ok to go off script. It's also ok to repeat things later in the day instead of 3 times right there in the lesson.


Has she watched "The Frog" (Leapfrog Letter Factory) yet? If not, get that DVD, have her watch it several times, and in a few days when the frog has cemented her letter sounds, come back to OPGTR and start with lesson 27.


Also, use the white board. It's more fun, and the words are easier to read. Plus the book has the capital I that looks like a lowercase l, and that's confusing.

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