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non core

Ginny May

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I have down when and how to do our core subjects but when it comes to fitting in non-core( art, projects, etc) I do not do very well. I would like to do better at this. How do you guys do this and make it happen (follow through) I get so caught up on the LEARNING. I forget to have some fun :glare: on a daily or at least once a week basics. :chillpill:

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I'm a slacker too. We do Draw Write Now as "art" on Monday afternoons. It's not messy, so it gets done a little more often.


Projects are scheduled for Friday, and our core subjects are light that day.


We don't do everything every week, but I'm ok with that. Most of the projects are just fun with not that much learning.

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Saturdays. :tongue_smilie:


Big, messy projects with me get put off until I have time, and since I work full time, we do them on weekends, usually.


About once a day, as a break between subjects we will sing a song or color a picture or something, too.

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See that is my problem. It is not wanting to do it but the get everything out and clean up take longer then the project. I may do a Friday day. I was thinking with the cooking (world history) once a month and art project (world history) and then the try this and experiments from Apologia (will be our first year) we would do those on Friday also. I am glad to know I am not the only feeling this way. The things is I am crafty and fun but I get all "SCHOOLY (not a word) and do not want to be that way. Need all the ideas I can get:grouphug: Thank you

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I invite over a homeschooling friend of dd4.


It makes it worthwhile to pull out the mess/planning of an art project if it is for more than one child. Plus, if the time is blocked off as company time, it will get done when the friend arrives. I have to have my act together before the friend arrives. The friend has an older brother who goes to a coop class one afternoon a week from 1-3pm, so I invite them to our house while brother is in class.


So far we've:

--decorated tongue depressors with 10 jewels each for a math counting game

--made purple paper purses (and decorated them) for Lily's Purple Plastic Purse

--glued coconut trees (construction paper) onto large sheets of paper and added foam letters to the page for Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

--used the vinegar/baking soda volcano

--mixed and measured colored water in various containers and formed hypotheses about what we expect (How many cups do you think will fill this container? What color will the water turn when mixed?)


Our next project is to paint paper plates and bowls and use blue crepe paper to make yellow hats for the book Madeline's Rescue.


Dd is only 4yo now, so I don't know how this will work out as the girls grow up and have more demanding schedules.



I've also considered making time for these projects in a "Family Home Evening" sort of event.


Loverboy is Mormon, and in the Mormon faith, it is recommended to have family night once a week with several (but not all) of the following topics/jobs each week:



--bible story or moral lesson

--activity (craft, game, etc)



In the households of friends, each family member is assigned a role. So, if dd4 is in charge of song for that week, she will need to pick a song. If she is in charge of treat, she will need to tell mom a day or so ahead that she needs help to make _______ for a treat. It creates leadership and offers performance practice.


I've wondered about creating a secular homeschooling night with some or all of the following:

--read a book together of dd's choice

--dd shows what she has been learning on the piano

--dd recites a poem (she has several memorized)

--family does art project together (I have several craft/drawing books. Dd could pick a project each week, or we could work through a curriculum as a family).

--family does science project together (I have several experiment books. Dd could pick a couple to do each week).




I think about this, and then I remember that we have a new baby in the house that is not yet sleeping through the night. Nevermind.

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if we get all our "core" done between 9-noon after lunch we do the fun stuff. I am just ready to be done with the main stuff before lunch if we are not done it depends on my mood. Today for example we ended up working another 1.5 hours after lunch but they begged to do "art" so I tossed a bunch of random bags of goodies at them and some glue and paper and told them to go nuts. I am not a mom who fears messes so we get pretty crazy in our projects. I feared messes more when they where younger but my 12,9 & 5 year olds are pretty good about clean-up.

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I use a flexible time schedule so I can pull out a more "fun" subject anytime or any day and still keep pace with everything else.


Today for instance, I am focusing on potty training this morning so I pulled out the project/field trip category and I am having my boys spend a couple hours on coming up with an invention. The other things don't get behind because I spend a certain amount of time on each subject per year. If we skip a day we just pick it up the next day and maybe spend a little more time on it.

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Things that have worked best for me are:


1. schedule it in. We have an afternoon subject each day of the week. One of those days is art.


2. schedule outside activities where they get these types of things, like scouts, crafts at a craft store, Sunday school, and co-op. Then you don't have to feel guilty if you can't squeeze it in one week :)

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Things that have worked best for me are:


1. schedule it in. We have an afternoon subject each day of the week. One of those days is art.


2. schedule outside activities where they get these types of things, like scouts, crafts at a craft store, Sunday school, and co-op. Then you don't have to feel guilty if you can't squeeze it in one week :)



thank you. I just fould filing system. I think this is going to help also:)

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