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Hysterectomy? HELP?

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Hi all,


Well, I was looking at permanent birth control, but because of the desire for that coupled with my endometriosis pain, my midwife & ob/gyn recommended a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus only.)


I would really appreciate hearing your experiences. Particularly, risks related to life-long medical complications and the affect it might have on libido & intimacy issues.


ETA: I'm 40 and we are totally sure we are done having kids. Also, I think I'd be a good candidate for laparoscopic/vaginal surgery but haven't talked with the surgeon yet.




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I had my total hysterectomy with ovaries, tubes and cervix removal at 32 because of PCOS, endometriosis, adenomiosis. I wish I would have researched other solutions more thoroughly. I struggle with hormone replacement therapy. I use a compounded phyto cream of estrial, estradial, progesterone and testosterone. It has taken 9 years to get to this point and I still have menopausal symptoms, mostly memory loss and I have absolutely NO libido, thankfully, Dh has a low libido and we make it work for us. I have to re-adjust my hormones routinely. I don't realize they are out of whack until I'm biting the heads off all my family and my hair starts falling out.


That being said, if your ovaries are healthy and they are leaving them you'll probably be fine. I've talked to people who kept their ovaries and they don't suffer to the extent that I do.


As far as long term risks, I'm not sure what the risks of cancer are if they leave the ovaries. I know I'm at a higher risk because my hormones come from outside my body. Sounds like that wouldn't be your case. I would urge you to make sure you've researched and exhausted all measures before taking such a drastic step.

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:iagree: I had my hysterectomy at 35. It was a very difficult decision for me at the time but now I have no regrets other than waiting that long. I have not had any negative side effects. I did have some complications after surgery but they were not difficult to overcome.


Hystersisters helped me out very much. I only wish I had found it before my surgery so I could have been better prepared.

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I had a hysterectomy at 29. I kept my ovaries. The surgery was easier on me than my menstrual cycles were.... and WAAAY easier than a tonsillectomy! I was out of the hospital that same day, and back to normal the next day.

For me, I wish I had more kids.... but as far as the surgery, it was easy and relatively pain free.

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So glad you posted this OP!! I went yesterday and after discussing options, my ob/gyn suggested a laproscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH). I"d keep both ovaries and tubes...just lose the bleeding and the babies-which is my goal!! Dh was sweet enough to get a vasectomy last year, but it never worked :(.


I'd love to hear experiences as well...sounds like a win/win here!

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I had a LSH done last year, about this time. My only regret is not having it sooner. With keeping your ovaries, you can still manufacture your own hormones, so I have not needed any supplemental therapy. You will still need your yearly paps, as you still have a cervix. If you want more information, let me know...I can try to help or answer any questions as much as possible.

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Hijacking this post:


I was just diagnosed with endometriosis. It was my understanding that the ovaries would keep producing hormones to feed the endometriosis.


Any info and web sites that can help me understand my situation would be wonderful. Specifically, I need help living with the pain.



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I had mine last February and I'm SO SO glad I did. I kept one ovary-I had adhesions from two c-sections that had grabbed onto everything and mangled the other one.


I feel so lucky to not have to deal with the monthly-I can't express how glad I am, I had minor issues and a lot of pain every month and man I'm glad I don't have to deal with it any more.


I read hystersister before I went in but honestly I felt like they over-dramatized it all. It was a pretty straight forward surgery for me, quick recovery, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to fuss about before or after. I went totally back to normal in a few months, I still even get a bit of PMS occasionally but the only way I know is that my chest gets a little sore.


totally recommend.

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I have had 4 surgeries for Endo. :grouphug:


I'll try to be brief, but if anyone wants more info, you can pm me.


I had a Supracervical Hysterectomy (what you're talking about) in 2007. I had a tumor inside my uterus that could not be removed separately. They found Endo (always suspected), and EXCISED it - very important word because there's a huge difference in treatments. I was pain free for 1 year. I then started bleeding and having pain that I couldn't describe, but that would land me in the urgent care. What I found out is that Endo is not always prominent and comes in many different colors and forms. I had Endo in my Uteral Sacral ligaments and my cervix. They could not see it so the first surgery last year, they only removed what they could see. I found no relief so 6 weeks later (a year ago April), they removed my cervix and as much as they could of my USLs. I have been pain free for a year, I have gained back the weight I lost (not sure if I should be happy about that or not:lol:), I am no longer nauseated and my libido is fine. Sex is "different," but great.;) I do have hip problems because there is nothing holding me in place from the inside anymore. This is one of the biggest problems that comes from hysterectomy. I'm in PT for it and I'm getting stronger every day.


I would NEVER let a GYN operate on me for Endo. I have a specialist who is very conservative (you were given all your parts for a reason), and that's why I went with her. We tried excising first and then moved on. I know women who had it excised and that was enough. If I did not have her, I would have gone here. Hysterectomies do NOT cure Endo. There is no cure for Endo. Even removing the ovaries does not cure Endo. That's why I still have mine. They have decided it is far better for us to have our ovaries than go without for overall long-term health.


Like I said, feel free to PM me for more info. This is a hard decision and a hard road to walk.





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So glad you posted this OP!! I went yesterday and after discussing options, my ob/gyn suggested a laproscopic supracervical hysterectomy (LSH). I"d keep both ovaries and tubes...just lose the bleeding and the babies-which is my goal!! Dh was sweet enough to get a vasectomy last year, but it never worked :(.


I'd love to hear experiences as well...sounds like a win/win here!


If you don't have Endo, it IS a win/win. I felt "normal." There were very little to no side effects post surgery. I would recommend it to anyone that does not have Endo.


Hijacking this post:


I was just diagnosed with endometriosis. It was my understanding that the ovaries would keep producing hormones to feed the endometriosis.


Any info and web sites that can help me understand my situation would be wonderful. Specifically, I need help living with the pain.





How were you diagnosed? Did you have surgery? Because that's the only true diagnosis. Feel free to PM me and go to the website I recommended. He is a wealth of info.



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