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Kid with potential, but no motivation?

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I have one child who is very bright - especially with math and science. They have zero interest in the subjects, but consistently score high. They are also gifted artistically. Many people have sought her out for work in that area specifically.


She has zero motivation or excitement about anything. My daughter seems to be someone with very low emotion (not depressed...kind of "Spock" like).


Do I encourage her to find enjoyment in what she does well, or push her to expand her known-boundaries? She doesn't seem to want to do either.



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I think you can certainly encourage- she sounds like a teen? I am learning..you can lead a horse to water, you can't make them drink. They have to find motivation somewhere in themselves- but if she is compliant, maybe she needs your direction. Mine are both so clear and definite and dislike my trying to control their direction, so I have backed off, even when my son flunks, and now relegate myself to cheer squad and encouragement.

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