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Karen Carr the midwife accepts plea deal

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I don't know Karen and I've never had a homebirth but honestly I'm baffled why she is getting her feet held to the fire when so many medical professionals in brick and mortar positions screw up all the time and they don't have the same accountability.


She practiced medicine without a license. It doesn't matter why she did it. Perhaps the mother in this situation would have gone ahead with her own, unassisted home birth. Who knows? That doesn't mean that the MW was obligated to take on the case. She could have said no. She should have said no. She knew what she was getting into and the liability she was opening herself up to by practicing without a license. Period.


In addition, she made several questionable calls and, ultimately, a baby died. Hindsight being what it is, it seems to me that the baby would have had a better chance at surviving his own birth had his mother given birth in a hospital and, honestly, I am surprised that such an experienced MW did not agree.

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I used to work OB before I got fed up with all the horrible things they do/say to women and switched to ER.


I've seen more than one mom and baby die, but one really sticks in my head.


We had a mom come in for a c/s because her baby was breech. Baby was delivered and mom threw an amniotic fluid embolism. We worked her for an hour and she still died. Would that mom have been safer delivering at home with a practitioner skilled in breech delivery? AFE's are more common with c/s. Who knows what the outcome would have been.


One problem in the US is that so few doctors have actually attended breech births. Few docs know how to do it.


And I seriously doubt the doctor faced criminal charges.

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I totally disagree.


Women have the right to decide about major surgery. The instance that changes we have gone off the rails. We are more than incubators. How about the mother's right to be alive? Does the baby trump that?


There are inherent risks to major surgery and we have NO idea about what the mother's reasoning was. We should probably just assume she had a "real" reason rather than some "experience" reason people just dismiss.



I still do not believe we should be forced to have surgery. I wouldn't see an OB at all if that was the case.



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The sad fact is that sometimes babies die in childbirth, even today...




:iagree: It is very sad. But we are so far removed from death as a part of life, that it always has to be somebody's fault. I wish people would accept that she did all she could, grieve with her, and move on.

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