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So I'm guilty by association...

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with unleashed dogs! There were two large friendly un-neutered dogs loose at the park this morning. I called their grateful owner who rushed over from work (about 10 min. away).


While I waited for the owner to arrive, I followed the dogs around and played with them so they wouldn't wander off. I warned other people who arrived with kids that they were "strange" dogs but their owner was coming. Then an elderly woman who walks around the park with her little fluffy lap dog drove up. She looked suspiciously out her window then parked 25 ft farther down the street. I suspected she would think they were my unleashed dogs, so I started to explain, but she screamed at me to "pull them back" and "grab their (non-existent) leashes." She didn't believe me when I told her I had found them loose. "Why are you with them, then?" she screamed. She started ranting at an elderly man nearby and he tried to make her understand. Then the owner showed up and took them. I hope the man finally got through to the woman, but I'm not sure, as she didn't come over and apologize. Or she was just rude.:tongue_smilie:

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