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5th grade graduation?

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Do any of you do anything special when your child completes 5th grade? I remember my school had a graduation ceremony. Kids around here have big 5th grade field trips. Our oldest is finishing up what would be his 5th grade year. I do feel like he deserves some recognition as he is technically done with elementary. What have you done in the past or are planning to do?

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Hm I hadn't thought about it. When I was in school, 6th grade was the end of elementary and then we moved on to junior high.


Here, the elementary school building goes up to 4th grade and 5th graders move on to "middle school" even though for home education law purposes, elementary level is considered to last through 6th grade. So I hadnt been looking at finishing 5th (which we are this year too) as more special than finishing any other year.


Each year we do get the kids a small graduation gift though and will still do that.

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Do any of you do anything special when your child completes 5th grade? I remember my school had a graduation ceremony. Kids around here have big 5th grade field trips. Our oldest is finishing up what would be his 5th grade year. I do feel like he deserves some recognition as he is technically done with elementary. What have you done in the past or are planning to do?



We have been known to celebrate completion of individual books in subjects (100 EZ Lessons, a math book). But we consider grades to be rather arbitrary and don't celebrate "completing" them.


We will have a blow out party for high school graduation.

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I'd never heard tell of elementary school ending at the 5th grade until I read it on this board… 1-6 is elementary, 7-9 is junior high, and 10-12 is high school to us!


That said, we always do something fun at the "end" of every year - in quotes because we're pretty much 'year round' learners, but we still recognize June as the "end of the year" as we have lots of public school friends. Sometimes we have a little party, go swimming, picnic, whatever. Depends on our mood, available funds, etc etc. :)

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We didn't do anything special (for 5th, 6th, or 8th.) We did have a party for 12th, but since ds was leaving for Co a few days later, it was almost a going away party as much as a graduation party.


Ds's school did a huge graduation ceremony and party, but really, I think it was more to enhance their Development Program than anything else. Lots of advertising photos came out of that.

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