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And How long do you have to wait after shaving until you can get a wax job?

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What are the particular of getting you bikini line waxed? DO you have to trim ahead of time? How do they know how much to wax? What if you don't want it all was but maybe a small section of what is normally cover by undergarments. How do they do that? Is it always a girl? Do you have to wear a particular thing? Do they give you codiene? After all of this waxing, how long before the hair growns back in?

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I'm just checking to make sure you didn't shave your eyebrows, since I just read an eyebrow post you wrote. :tongue_smilie:


Don't shave before getting anything waxed, but you can trim. I'd just wear smallish underwear - maybe a bikini pair. It really depends on precisely where you're getting waxed - just the top, or sides?


I've never heard of male bikini waxers. I'm pretty sure in most salons it's a woman. How fast it grows back depends, but any waxing is usually good for at least 2 months or so, sometimes longer.


I don't think they can give you codeine, but take something before you go!


You're braver than I am!

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It depends on the salon. Some have you wear your own underwear, you just move them to the side a bit if they are in the way. Others give you paper ones to wear. As to how much they wax, they will ask you if they do not have a specific type to sign up for. You can tell them how much or how little. They will put a topical on after the waxing. How soon the hair grows back depends on your body. It can last up to 4 weeks. Generally the more you have an area waxed the hair tends to grow back finer. When I wax I can get about 2 weeks maybe 3 weeks, but I have dark hair and so I notice mine sooner than someone with lighter hair. I have been to several salons and I have only noticed female waxers, but you can always ask when you make your appointment.

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The lady that did my waxing told me to have at least 8 days of growth before coming in. I had just the areas that would show in my bikini waxed......I did NOT want the Brazilian!:001_huh: No thanks!:001_smile: But I only went to her once and learned how it was done. Now I do my own. I bought a kit from Sally's Beauty supply, but even Wal-mart has bikini waxing kits. I have to do mine about once every three weeks. If any strays pop up before that, I just tweeze them. Oh, and I also trim up everything before I wax.......you don't want any long strays (that you don't intend to remove) getting caught in the wax.:blink:


Also, when you pay to have it done, they do give you a little pair of paper undies to wear. Modesty has to go out the window though!;) Your legs will be bent and spread for her to reach all the areas!:lol: Fun, fun!


Good luck! I almost suggested a bikini wax to you the other day when you asked about sharing our girly secrets. That's one of mine!

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The first time I saw this post, I resisted the urge to quip out song lyrics in reply. But, you've found me in a weak moment.



"You don't need no wax job, you're smooth enough for me

But if you need your oil changed, I'll do it for you free."




(name that song -- :D )

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The first time I saw this post, I resisted the urge to quip out song lyrics in reply. But, you've found me in a weak moment.



"You don't need no wax job, you're smooth enough for me

But if you need your oil changed, I'll do it for you free."




(name that song -- :D )




"Oh baby, the pleasure be all mine

If you let me drive your pickup truck and park it where the sun don't shine."


Just keep your Wilburys away from the hot wax. :001_huh:

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