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AAS - someone explain the word cards to me?


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Alrighty, I'm giving AAS one more shot because I think if we could ever get in a groove with it, it would work well for us. I don't know why it is so hard for me to figure out how to get this program to work but it is!


What am I supposed to be doing with the Word cards? Why wouldn't I just use the book to dictate the words since they are printed there too?


Also, after teaching a concept, like when to use c & k on Step 17 of Level 1, is the student supposed to memorize the spelling of each word?


Ds gets the rule, but there is no way he will have those words memorized, he will have to try it out with c or k each time he writes them. Am I supposed to review all the words everyday? We will never progress if that is the case and I will have hundreds of words behind the review folder! How do you know when to move on?

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Alrighty, I'm giving AAS one more shot because I think if we could ever get in a groove with it, it would work well for us. I don't know why it is so hard for me to figure out how to get this program to work but it is!


What am I supposed to be doing with the Word cards? Why wouldn't I just use the book to dictate the words since they are printed there too?


Also, after teaching a concept, like when to use c & k on Step 17 of Level 1, is the student supposed to memorize the spelling of each word?


Ds gets the rule, but there is no way he will have those words memorized, he will have to try it out with c or k each time he writes them. Am I supposed to review all the words everyday? We will never progress if that is the case and I will have hundreds of words behind the review folder! How do you know when to move on?



The book does have the same words, but if my son seems not to get the rule for that card I hold it back to practice. I wouldn't go over more than a few review words a day though. I also use them throughout the year to have him read the words on the cards. AAS has helped with our reading just as much as it helps with spelling.

It is important to memorize the "key cards/rule cards" but it is fine if he has to try the c and then k each time. That is part of the process. It will also help when you come up on a word in his writing or reading to know the rule and explain it is why something is spelled or sounded out a certain way. But I wouldn't worry about him memorizing all the words for spelling or expecting him to always translate his spelling lessons into his writing. It will come with practice and repetition. But when you are studying the lesson he should be able to translate the rule so that he spells those words correctly. I make sure to sit with my kiddo while he writes dictation to make sure we catch the misspelled words right away and knows why.

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What am I supposed to be doing with the Word cards? Why wouldn't I just use the book to dictate the words since they are printed there too?



The word cards make it easier to organize which words he has mastered, and which words you'll want to review. My daughter has had words carried over from book 1 because of a particular rule she's had trouble with, and she's in book 2. If I just read through the book, I'd have to mark the words in each lesson that I'd want to review later. I'd have two books to work in. See what I mean? As it is, when I do review, I take words from different lessons for a type of spiral review, although the sentences do the same thing. So the word cards are invaluable for me.

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What am I supposed to be doing with the Word cards? Why wouldn't I just use the book to dictate the words since they are printed there too?


Ok, when you teach the step, you will dictate the words from the book. He can practice them first with tiles and then in writing, or just one way or the other, depending on his age & writing ability, how much practice he needs on the words, etc... If your son understands the concept taught (how to decide when to use C or K at the beginning of a word), then after he practices the 10 words, the book prompts you to file the word cards behind the daily review tab. As long as he understands the concept and how to apply it, then even if the words are not yet memorized, he will pass this step (after the dictation and reinforcement words sections).


Each day you start the day with some daily review. Take just 2 or 3 minutes to go over a few words, or as many as you think is reasonable. Can he spell them easily or does he need a lot of time to think about them and decide? If he can spell them easily, you can move those word cards to the mastered section--those words are mastered. Any that he has to stop and think through or that he struggles with, keep these in the daily review tab.



Ds gets the rule, but there is no way he will have those words memorized, he will have to try it out with c or k each time he writes them. Am I supposed to review all the words everyday? We will never progress if that is the case and I will have hundreds of words behind the review folder! How do you know when to move on?


That's ok. I'd let him build the words with tiles more often, and mix up ways he can practice them if you want--tactile methods or things like writing on a white board or with a finger in cornmeal or on sand paper, or with sidewalk chalk outside--make it fun. Here are some ideas for tactile methods and some for other spelling activities.


If you ever get to the point where you have more than 20 word cards to review, that's probably too many. I'd take some time off from progressing through the steps and do some fun activities to solidify the rules some more. Then when he gets that tab cleared out a bit, go ahead & start back in the steps. I have at times taken a day or even several days just to focus on the cards if I felt my kids needed extra review or practice on a concept.


The review cards are there for you to customize the review for your child, so use it to it's fullest potential.


HTH some! Merry :-)

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