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please? can I brag for a minute?

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thanks for the warm wishes. :)


It's just an exam where students can show what they know about mythology. Here's the info for those of you that asked:




The National Mythology Exam 2011 will include the following:



  • Grades 3-4




  • MUST take basic 30-item exam on Greek and Roman mythology and
    MAY choose to take any other sections




  • Grade 5




  • MUST take basic 30-item exam PLUS 10 questions on the theme
    (Ancient Beginnings) and MAY choose to take any other sections




  • Grades 6-9




  • MUST take basic 30-item exam PLUS 10 questions on the theme
    (Ancient Beginnings) and at least ONE 10-item literary sub-test of
    their choice on the following:




  • Iliad

  • Odyssey

  • Aeneid

  • Native American tales

  • African tales

  • Norse Mythology



My younger daughter only took the basic 30-question test. My older one did the core test, the Ancient Beginnings, and 3 literary sub-tests. There's a lot more information on the site, and they're pretty good at giving out a bibliography that tells you what to be familiar with. It's a good intro to test taking, since they have to fill in a bubble sheet separate from the test booklet, and it's low-pressure. I don't want either of them to grow up with test anxiety. ;)

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