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Starting Meet the Masters tonight!!


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While I was recovering from my 2 surgeries, I invested in all 3 levels of Meet the Masters and purchased all of the supplies needed. My hubby has agreed to make this a family venture. We are eating out tonight (first time in 3 months!!!), coming home, putting Lil Miss to bed, and then doing the intro lesson on MTM and making our portfolios as a family!! I am so excited!!


Only other homeschool families can appreciate the enthusiasm with doing school work on Family Fun Night. :lol:

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I'm thinking about buying MTM for summer "fun" and I'm wondering how this is going for you. What level did you buy? I have an almost 9 & 11, so I'm torn between level 2 & 3. Do you have any words of wisdom?



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You can either buy one track with different ages or buy a bundle of track A, B, and C for the same age. I guess it just depends on how often you're going to do it and how many children you have at different levels. The website says you can combine ages to the higher level if they are one level apart. I just don't know if the higher level will be a bit too challenging. I want it to be fun. I guess I'll figure it out.


Good luck,


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Does anyone know if the videos play on the iPad?


I think you could - the online lessons are just HTML and the rest is PDF. I'll double-check on my iPad.


We just did the Monet lesson today, I love MTM! I have been slacking on it though the past year.

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Well, the first lesson was a success. Even hubby participated - and was a show off. He said he wanted a gold star and to be teacher's pet. The kids couldn't figure out why I was blushing... :blush: The portfolios are ready to go. The pages are printed for the next lesson.


The kids have been bugging us to do the VanGogh lesson. I think we may do it tomorrow night. Starry Starry Night... here we come!


And Satori... for the record... I can't imagine YOU slacking on ANYTHING! You're too busy inspiring the rest of us! :D

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It looks so tempting. I will wait till the last minute to decide. Working on iPad makes it all the more tempting. Thank you Satori for checking! :-)


One of the reasons I never use Mark Kistler is because I have to fire up the roasting hot netbook...and I really don't like the drawings :-0 I try to just think of them as valuable practice and just make myself do them, but...it doesn't happen. I don't want to draw aliens and rocket ships and pencils.


I tend to buy more than I can use, so even if I use this–and I think I will–it means probably not using something else I already have. Something less fun, but more practical.


Satori, I saw a binder on the MTM page of your website. Is the Van Gogh picture from MTM?

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I've just decided to get this from the HSBuyer's co-op. Im going to get bundle 4 for ages 5 to 7. I need to read the details to see how long we get to use the site with that purchase.

It looks like you get 3 years of access with the purchase. I'm very, very tempted to purchase.

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