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I'm going to shake things up a bit.

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We hit our state required number of days tomorrow, and we're 100-200 hours over our required hours (depending on the boy). The boys have their last public speaking program meeting on Monday (and we're taking next year off :001_smile:) an their last enrichment program on Tuesday. This has been a busy and productive year, and we're worn out. I'd planned on running full schedule through May, and then taking most of June off before starting our new year in July. I don't want to take May off, but we need a change.


We're going to continue with Sonlight (history & literature only) & math. I'll keep up phonics with ds5, too. We need to make some more progress with these (I really want to start our new levels in the subjects with the new year).


We'll drop grammar, Latin, Greek, logic, & most writing and spelling.


I'll add in test prep (they'll take their ITBS in early June, and I like to run through the Spectrum books with them), science, and art for the month of May. I've got the 3 RS4K books on my shelf from last year (we almost made it through the Chemistry book), and I've got The Whole Picture art program. I think the boys will be excited to finally get to these subjects that we haven't had time for at home (the did get them in their enrichment program).



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How wonderful!!


We hit our days too! BUT with the kids starting late on some really AWESOME programs I'm spending the summer letting them complete them so they can start the new levels this fall! :)


We're not really done with all that stuff if everything goes as scheduled until late June. But then we start our new school year in August. But my kids can't handle alot of time off of school at once so we're going to break up the summer break and have them doing some school related things 3 times a week in the summer.


May I ask....what do you like about the Art program you're using?? What's it like? DD7 is really wanting to do an art class and wants to do it outside the home and make friends BUT I haven't found anything local that's going on right now...so I'd love input on what art would be great. I want it FUN, HANDS ON and little to NO bookwork. Is there such a thing?

Edited by mamaofblessings
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We've not hit our hours yet, but we've hit a wall. I'm toast. I talked to dh and we're opting to restructure the last few weeks of school. A little Latin, some Khan Academy everyday, a few pages of memory work, 1-2 more writing projects, and lots of reading.


I'm getting glazed eyes everyday. Next year may or may not be a high school year, so we're going to relax.

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It is nice to mix things up a bit at the end of the year. Our online classes ended or are ending soon. We'll scale back a bit and add in neglected subjects (Spanish!!). Our school year ends in the middle of June, but we're working at about 75% capacity NOW. We take 6 weeks off (middle of June and all of July) and work at half capacity (math, reading, one or two extras) during August.


Congrats to your family for another successful homeschool year, Judomom.


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How wonderful!!


We hit our days too! BUT with the kids starting late on some really AWESOME programs I'm spending the summer letting them complete them so they can start the new levels this fall! :)


We're not really done with all that stuff if everything goes as scheduled until late June. But then we start our new school year in August. But my kids can't handle alot of time off of school at once so we're going to break up the summer break and have them doing some school related things 3 times a week in the summer.


May I ask....what do you like about the Art program you're using?? What's it like? DD7 is really wanting to do an art class and wants to do it outside the home and make friends BUT I haven't found anything local that's going on right now...so I'd love input on what art would be great. I want it FUN, HANDS ON and little to NO bookwork. Is there such a thing?


I like that it includes some art history, famous artists, and art elements along with art projects. There are a lot of notes to go with the lessons, and there is a power point CD that includes artwork samples. The projects vary (it's not all painting or drawing) and use supplies that are easy to purchase if you don't have them on hand. It's expensive, but compared to an outside art class (especially if you have more than one student), it's reasonable.

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We've not hit our hours yet, but we've hit a wall. I'm toast. I talked to dh and we're opting to restructure the last few weeks of school. A little Latin, some Khan Academy everyday, a few pages of memory work, 1-2 more writing projects, and lots of reading.


I'm getting glazed eyes everyday. Next year may or may not be a high school year, so we're going to relax.


I'm getting glazed eyes everyday, too. So are my students ;).

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It is nice to mix things up a bit at the end of the year. Our online classes ended or are ending soon. We'll scale back a bit and add in neglected subjects (Spanish!!). Our school year ends in the middle of June, but we're working at about 75% capacity NOW. We take 6 weeks off (middle of June and all of July) and work at half capacity (math, reading, one or two extras) during August.


Congrats to your family for another successful homeschool year, Judomom.



Thanks! We're not where I'd hoped we'd be, but if I evaluate objectively it really has been a great year.

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