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Has anyone here used All American History?


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It's a fairly new curriculum carried by Timberdoodle. Supposedly, it's a grade 5-8th grade curriculum which can be modified for younger or older students. I'm thinking about using it with my 9th grader next year with biographies and other literature and language arts assignments. Experience? Anyone?

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I used All American History Vol. 1 this year for my 7th grader. He likes biographies, so we added many of those and several video supplements. For this age, it needs more directed writing assignments. The TM has some suggestions for further reading. The student activity book is more appropriate for a younger child.

We like MOH and switched to AAH to complete our history cycle before he begins high school. It has been a solid choice. We were both happy with it, and will be using Vol 2 next year. Unlike my younger kids who are doing Sonlight, my son using AAH finished everything early. (And he liked it.)

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The only negative I would add is that it is not written in story form and is not a read aloud. There is a lot of information and the activities are good but slogging through the very thick books works better as silent reading - in our case anyway. It is written at the grade level she lists as well - you can share information and activities with youngers but I don't think younger than 5th would really enjoy reading it or get much out of it. I would make sure you have read some lengthy samples from the textbooks and make sure you will be able to get through it. Volume 1 is 400 black and white pages with a small, black and white picture on each page and a full page black and white picture at the beginning of each chapter. It is not written like a DK or Kingfisher or even The Story of US book - no side bars or color and it is not written like The Story of the World, in story form.


Not to discourage you :) We used it and like it, just be aware of what you are getting into.

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The only negative I would add is that it is not written in story form and is not a read aloud. There is a lot of information and the activities are good but slogging through the very thick books works better as silent reading - in our case anyway. It is written at the grade level she lists as well - you can share information and activities with youngers but I don't think younger than 5th would really enjoy reading it or get much out of it. I would make sure you have read some lengthy samples from the textbooks and make sure you will be able to get through it. Volume 1 is 400 black and white pages with a small, black and white picture on each page and a full page black and white picture at the beginning of each chapter. It is not written like a DK or Kingfisher or even The Story of US book - no side bars or color and it is not written like The Story of the World, in story form.


Not to discourage you :) We used it and like it, just be aware of what you are getting into.


I agree completely with this post. We used AAH Vol 1 last year and now using AAH Vol 2 for 7th grade. It is a great textbook based history, with alot of information. The TM is great, with alot of extras to make it a well-rounded curriculum. We are very pleased with it.


Also it is published by Bright Ideas Press, created by actual homeschoolers who used it in their HS co-op.

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