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If you had to choose between visiting blogs or visiting forums...

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Which would you choose and why? Or do you think it would be too difficult a choice for you? I'm just curious. There are soooo many good blogs out there in the blogosphere that it'd be hard to give those up, but I find that reading blogs is much more time consuming than visiting the forums. Anyone?

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It really depends what I'm in the mood for. If I want advice or chatting or curriculum reviews, it is much easier to come here and get a big variety from many different people. I have to admit that I'm around here much less that I was before the format change, though. The conversation just isn't as easily accessible for me.


Now that I spend time posting on my own blog and reading a small handful of others regularly, I just don't have the time to visit here as much. I feel like one has to be around a lot to catch everything that goes on. If not, I feel out of the loop. :) Easier to catch up on reading a blog somehow.

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I'd have to give up forums before blogs. I never thought I could enjoy reading blogs, but now I'm hooked. Now I scan this board to see if there are any interesting conversations going on and then quickly move on to a blog run. I do think the new format has changed how I read this forum and maybe even the way posts go. I'm getting used to it, but it doesn't have the same feel and it's easier for me to skip over posts. This is the only forum I've ever really participated in. I dabbled on three others, but didn't care for them. So, I'm sorry to say that if you made me choose, I'd have to give up this board. Fortunately, I have many of you in my blog list and I'm adding more daily.:D

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I can't really say which I'd give up. There are both so different. The forum is the general meeting place, sort of like going to church on Sunday morning for me. It is very social and you meet a wide range of people. But, when you visit a blog it is like visiting a church friend at home. It is more personal and individualized. You get to know them on a different level than you do in the "big group". You have to make more of a commitment to the on line friendship. (Of course, I'm assuming you comment on the blogs you visit) I like to do both and can't imagine giving up either. If it wasn't for participating in the larger community here, I would never have "met" the people whose blogs I visit regularly. Besides, blogs don't really foster the good natured banter and laughs that happen in a faster moving environment like a forum. Who could miss out on that?!


I refuse to give up either. I prefer to limit my time on both if need be, but not choose between the two.

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Well, when I have to give something up (which I do sometimes) I tend to give up forums because though each post isn't as time consuming, it's easier (for me anyways) to get sucked in for longer periods of time... Oh and to get my emotional nighty in a knot... I usually give up the forums for a while when I spend too much non-computer time thinking about forum topics! :lol:

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I've been struggling with trying to get a handle on my Internet time and was considering choosing btwn blogs and forums, but they each have their own merits, like you said, and simply limiting my time on each and taking a board or blog break when I feel the need to, will probably suffice. Also, I'll need to be more disciplined about limiting my time on the general boards (i.e. chit chat) and logging on in the afternoons for short quick stints and at night when the kids are asleep to keep myself in check. Okay, I feel better about this now. Thanks, ladies, for all the wonderful feedback!

I can't really say which I'd give up. There are both so different. The forum is the general meeting place, sort of like going to church on Sunday morning for me. It is very social and you meet a wide range of people. But, when you visit a blog it is like visiting a church friend at home. It is more personal and individualized. You get to know them on a different level than you do in the "big group". You have to make more of a commitment to the on line friendship. (Of course, I'm assuming you comment on the blogs you visit) I like to do both and can't imagine giving up either. If it wasn't for participating in the larger community here, I would never have "met" the people whose blogs I visit regularly. Besides, blogs don't really foster the good natured banter and laughs that happen in a faster moving environment like a forum. Who could miss out on that?!


I refuse to give up either. I prefer to limit my time on both if need be, but not choose between the two.

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Blogs are one of those things that I'm staying away from. I already have to monitor my time on the computer. (Plus I just set up a facebook account to keep up with the goings-on with some old friends)


When I have looked at blogs, I know I would love wasting time there! But I gotta pare things down, and I get so much information from this forum.


So, it's forum for me! (And sometimes a tv forum):blush:

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I don't read blogs. I think they're self indulgent (everyone fancies themselves a writer) and I don't see why so many people have the need to put so much personal stuff on the net. Uggh. Anyway, I could barely listen to most people ramble on in real life about the details of their life, I certainly don't want to sit and read it too. But that's JMHO.

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