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living in/around Dallas?

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Homeschooling is a breeze here and there are SO MANY opportunities. We have been overwhelmed at everything to choose from.


Housing prices are probably some of the best in the country. We just bought a 4 bedroom/3 bath house for $138K. I think cost of living in general is pretty good. Property taxes in the city seem high to us, but we came from living in the country in TN.


We moved here from TN 1.5 years ago and really, really like it here.

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It really depends on what you are looking for. We rented an ok 3 bedroom for $950/month last year. It wasn't spectacular, and it was in an older neighborhood, but it wasn't a dump either. This was in South Fort Worth. We never looked at apartments or anything, and we went through a realtor (which I HIGHLY recommend, especially if you don't know the area. She kept us out of the really bad neighborhoods.) We actually ended up buying in the same neighborhood.

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We live in South Arlington, right between D and FW. Our house is relatively big (2700 sq ft and 5 bedrooms, nice fenced yard) and was only $133K. Prices are pretty low here.


There are TONS of cool things to do here and lots of great co-ops. We go to a non-classical co-op for enrichment classes. There is a CC co-op in S. Arlington though.

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DFW is awesome. I live in what turns out to be a very expensive area in North Dallas, but we wanted to be within walking distance to MIL so it's worth it to us.


I'm told that if you never send your kids to public school there is absolutely no registration or reporting requirements. You can even go from private to home schooling without notifying the state.


I've not found any homeschooling co-ops, but I've noticed many early parent groups, etc. It's easy to get plugged in.


I love it!

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Texas has no reporting requirements at all for homeschoolers. I know there are co-ops but I've never been a part of one.


We live in a 1 bedroom in Irving and our rent is $530/mo. 2 bedrooms in our complex are under $800/mo. Decent 3 bedroom houses can be found in southern suburbs of Dallas for under $100,000.

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As others have said, Texas in general is a great place to homeschool. A lot of support in terms of co ops exist in the DFW area. Housing is affordable, particularly as you get a bit further out from the big city. It is a wonderful area rich in cultural and other experiences. :001_smile: If you are moving here and are not familiar with the area, make sure you talk with some folks who are so you won't end up in a seedy neighborhood. It can be hard to tell what is and isn't a good neighborhood if you aren't familiar with the area.

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