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Washing eggs....

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You aren't supposed to wash eggs at all, but I don't like chicken $#!& in my kitchen so I wash them with water and a cloth. I've never had any problem of any kind with washed eggs, so I don't know what the big deal is. Who wants to crack eggs with crap on them?


I wash them under tepid water (scrub with an old toothbrush if necessary) and make sure they are thoroughly dry before putting them in the fridge. (They contract when they cool, and the shells are porous, so you don't want anything getting sucked into them.)

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I use a soft cloth and lukewarm water, and just wash the dirty spots. I thing eggs get poopier when the weather is wet, because any poop on their butt stays wet and transfers to the eggs. I have noticed that this week the eggs have been exceptionally clean, and it's also been warm and dry here.

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Just a thought... it makes them keep longer, when they are just left with the blossom on... which is why they usually are left.. if they need a long... fresh... life :) Our egg people "lightly wash" our eggs... so they look ok, but hopefully the layer of protection isn't taken off... too much.



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I wash them before I use them, with tepid water and a wash cloth. I will wash them when I bring them home if they are very dirty, or if I know I'm going to use them quickly.


When our new chickies start laying I may change my tune, because I am now seeing first hand just how poopy they are.

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Just a thought... it makes them keep longer, when they are just left with the blossom on... which is why they usually are left.. if they need a long... fresh... life :) Our egg people "lightly wash" our eggs... so they look ok, but hopefully the layer of protection isn't taken off... too much.




Some wash right before using for this reason. They never last long here though. I have 7 hens for our family of six. That's about right. I don't have more than 3 cartons in the fridge at any given time.


I don't wash all of them. If I do wash my eggs, they really need it.

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