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Cloth Diapering Mamas: Potty Training Question

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We CD'd up until about 6 months ago when things got a bit crazy and disposables was a way I cut out some of that. I sold all of the dipes so am starting over, but now that he is potty training I can justify the cost of investing again! So my question is what are your favorite training dipes? Do you prefer the underwear type or is it easier to just get dipes? Favorite brands? Brands you had issues with? Thanks!

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We used diapers until it was time to start with underwear just because DS was so resistant to PTing. I had some old fashioned Gerber pullup types that I used as well as a couple of Tinkle Time Trainers I made. I really liked those because they can unsnap, if you make them like that. I know they can be made with a pocket for adding extra absorbancy also. I would just do a search on hyenacart.com for trainers and pick something you like. Sorry for no direct links. But I didn't buy any from anyone specifically.

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Its been a very long time.... but neither of my dc would PT with disposable training pants (Pull-ups type). It pulls moisture away from them, then they never saw the need to go on their own, hey they were dry, and didn't have to bother going. That quickly changed when I changed to cloth trainers, especially when they really messed them... PT done instantly!!!

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I went the cheap route and got the thick Gerber undies and doubled them w/Dappi covers. The Gerbers are kind of junky as they have foam in the crotch instead of something absorbant, but I couldn't justify spending $15 on one pair of cloth training pants.

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We just trained our cloth diapered 2yo last week. The first week, we used the Bummis (I think?) training pants for naps and outings, but he was treating them like a diaper and peeing in them every time. We bought them from the Cotton Babies store. They are pull-up underwear type with elastic waist and leg bands, but no snaps or anything. Fairly basic and plain.


Ten days later, he's in regular underwear all day. He's still wearing diapers to bed, but if I can handle waking up before him in the morning, I'll switch him to the Bummis for nights.

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We did undies for 2 days but most of the time he wanted nothing so went comando. I wont go without pants though. We did have 2 successful trips to the potty, though the weekend ended up being so we reverted back for a few days. I know, not a good idea. Anyways, I am actually thinking of waiting until I am done with my PT pre-k teaching job at the end of May before I push it again simply because I can't focus on them when I am having to take the 2 yo potty every few minutes.

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