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Teachers Bistro 4-20-2011

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What's for lunch today? Me: Hot Pocket. Kids: taquitos and apple slices. I may be stopping for coffee on the way to tutoring today, since it's pay day and it might keep me from strangling my kids later!


What's bugging you today? Me: the lack of respect from my children. You know (and I told my daughter this the other day), if more people knew the kind of treatment they were going to get from the children they would one day have, less people would be willing to have children!



What are you looking forward to today? Me: I don't know if it's going to arrive today or not but I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of our tax refund! Now, to convince my hubby that we will still be homeschooling next year and it's okay to use part of that refund for our next round of Sonlight cores.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch? Wendy's. I just couldn't muster cooking today.


Bugging you today? Pick one. Period starting (never pleasant) and found out I will be losing my job this summer. My dh and I were just seeing the end of the tunnel to have some serious debt paid off by the end of the year and this totally derails the plan.


Looking forward to? Not much today. Praying that we can figure out a way to be financially OK without me having to get another job. I would love to just be able to focus on my family and homeschooling. Maybe then, my house wouldn't be a perpetual disaster area.

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Oh, Jenni, what a rough day! I'm so sorry :(


Scrap, hang in there. I know how that particular tightrope walk goes. :p


Lunch today: Me: Baby carrots, cottage cheese, lemon meringue pie, and maybe a piece or two of beef jerky. Him: Annie's mac 'n' cheese, yellow grape tomatoes, coconut juice, and grapes.


Things bugging me: The repetitiveness of all things. Dusting, dishes, laundry, vacuuming, cleaning litter boxes, making lunches, even teaching. UGH.


Looking forward to: Hm. Losing weight. There. I said it. I want to be 25-30 lbs. lighter by this time next year... aka when I turn 30. Ugh to that, too.

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Lunch was quesadillas on the best tortillas from a mexican bakery with rice cooked with rotel and cabbage salad and Dove dark choc eggs for dessert. Umm, no dieting going on here....


What's bugging me today? Well, started off the morning with dd8 in tears about coming up with adjectives for her paragraph. After working together on it, she wrote an awesome paragraph in my opinion. So that is no longer bugging me.


Dh having to work on Easter is bugging me. So we can't go out of town to celebrate with my family like I wanted to. We have never gotten to yet since we had kids:sad: On the other hand the kids are happy because they are used to staying home, having Easter dinner with just us and going to our own church and its egg hunt.


What am I looking forward to? So much right now. I am looking forward to Easter morning and the kids seeing the baskets filled with goodies I have been collecting.


I am looking forward to the hs convention coming up soon and making some purchases. Luckily dh has already budgeted enough $ for me for this quite awhile ago.


I am looking forward to my dds spending the convention days with my sis. Dh and I might even get a date night after the convention!

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