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A word of encouragement for high school - our sons success in the Army

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Our oldest son, "the Baron", was home schooled from 7th grade through high school graduation. He had previously been in Christian school. He dual-enrolled at our local college from 10th through the year after high school. Nine months after home school high school graduation, he had his AA.


I joke that he was born in camouflage. He loved playing Army men and G.I. Joes. And, he LOVED guns, helicopters, guns, jets, guns, tanks, and guns. :D There was no fighting it.


During middle school, he joined Civil Air Patrol and eventually was cadet commander. He went pretty high in rank in CAP. Anyway, came at a crossroads, finish is four year degree, or join the military. He really wanted to be a pilot. (he had gone through a phase where he didn't want to fly- we just let him think that. lol) So, he checked out all the programs that all the branches had to offer. No one told him about WOFT. My husband actually found out about it from one of his co-workers.


Off to the recruiters office went my husband and son. That started a process that my son FLEW through, due to an amazing recruiter. WOFT stands for warrant officer flight training. There are a few ways to get into WOFT. "High school to flight school" "Street to Seat" (my son) and current members of the military (which there is mucho competition, but more slots)


He was up against a few men with previous pilot training, two were already pilots. My son had no flight training. He aced his interview, they were extremely impressed. They had 2 or 3 slots and about 12 applicants at this particular board interview. He was chosen! WHY? A. he already had his AA - they said this showed hard work and initiative and B. that he was home schooled (can I get a whoop, whoop?) and C. that he had no flight training (they could teach them the Army way w/o trying to undo anything he had previously learned.


So there you have it. At one time, it was difficult for home schoolers to get into the military. Now, its a plus! At least it was in my sons case. We did have to get creative with a few things. The Army wanted a high school diploma. Off to Office Depot we went. Fancy paper - check, gold seal stickers - check. We went home and whipped up a diploma in five minutes. Funny, he had an AA, but they wanted that paper. LOL!


Home schooling is a marathon, not a sprint. I hope this encouraged someone to stay in the game. We won't mess our kids up and now the rest of the world is seeing what a plus home schooling is!






PS He finished basic, and warrant officer school and is now is in flight school.

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Thanks for sharing this. It's also good to see you again (you don't post often.) My ds has loved airplanes most of the past 5 1/2 years, but is on a break for birds. I'm with you and let him think he doesn't want to go into aviation; the next tme he flies he'll be right back into it and back into his library of airplane books. I'm glad to know about WOFT, too.

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Congratulations! I bet live within only a few miles of him. My husband is here as an instructor pilot for blackhawks. If your son chooses to fly hawks, my husband might even be teaching him to fly. He picked a great path in the Army to be a WO. Congratulations again!!!


PS. It is getting VERY difficult to get into flight school these days. That really says something about your son. :)

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Yes, he is in the city that begins with an E. :) We have been there twice and are planning on going in about a month. So, do you have a church home there? He's been going on base and is looking for something else.


He chose to live off base and alone- wise choice, he's picky. Doesn't drink or smoke and doesn't party.


We have been praying for some godly mentors for him. What a small world! Thank you for responding!!

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