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So, where are your from...

What area of the US are your from?  

  1. 1. What area of the US are your from?

    • South East (y'all) !
    • North East
    • South West
    • North West
    • Central US
    • Alaska or Hamaii (Lucky!)
    • Another Country
    • Other - I'm not sure what this could be, so please explain!

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I have a friend from Tennessee who swears that his grandmother, in all seriousness, calls it "The War of Northern Aggression"


Ha! I was born and raised in Bayonne, New Jersey, which is right outside of New York City and about as horrible of a place as can exist. I moved to Atlanta at 17 where I was confronted by a very unhappy southern who babbled something about "carpet baggers" and the "War of Northern Aggression." With my rock-solid (haha) public school education in my pocket, I quickly tried to remember a war we fought with Canada.:lol: Who knew? :lol:

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I'm originally a Midwest girl, and that's where I met DH. DD10 was born in NY and DD8 was born here in NC. We have only homeschooled in NC though, so we are now a SE family and lovin it!!!

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