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Help...growing family... Can't choose best fit!!!


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So I just can't figure out what direction we should take next year in our curriculum.


I am currently hs our 5 almost 6 yo girl... But by this fall we will have two 4 yo boys, a 3 yo girl and a new baby. One of the 4yo is adopted and will be learning English. But he is a smarty and I think will benefit from school. He is closer to 5 in his skill level.


Everything we've been doing in school I don't like. It is boring and tedious.


My thought for the 4 y olds is a Letter of the week program that was donated to us. Then the join in a core program that we'd all do...3 yo too. Wed do bible and art all together too.


I want this to be the hub of all we do.


Then I'd do phonics, grammar and math with our 1st grader.


Does that sound good?



Then to choose a core...


I had written sunlight off as being too pricey, but as well all do it together...4 children I could stomach that.


Any other recommendations?

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So you'll have

6yo 1st grader


4yo who is learning english


almost 2yo

and a new baby


And you are already planning on two full curriculums (Letter of the Week and another) and expecting 3 preschoolers and a 6 year old to do all of that and take care of a toddler and a newborn.


I think you are getting in over your head.


I would plan reading, writing, and math for the 6yo. Planning on spending less then 1 1/2 hours, 1 hour would be better (that's 20 minutes for each of the 3R's).


Then I would figure out how I am going to keep everyone busy and happy the rest of the day. Letter of the week might work well, just crafts or songs or other "preschooly" things would work good too.


Maybe trying to do some music, some read aloud, some art/craft (just playdoh would be fine), bible, and some exercise every day. I'd also try to get everyone involved in meal prep/clean up.


I would definately plan on a long afternoon nap time, while that might seem like a good time to get school done with your oldest, I think you are going to need that break every day. I would shoot for at least an hour, but two would be better when everyone is somewhere asleep or quiet for that time.


I bet if you do all of that (the preschool activies and naptime) and add in meals (including help with prep and clean up) you'll find your days are plenty full without trying to get through a science or history or other scheduled program.

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I agree with the pp that you may be overfilling your plate...don't set your expectations too high and set yourself up for frustration.


I have a large family too, as well as a new baby, and using Heart of Dakota programs is what works for us. All the planning is done :), with all your bases covered, and the programs at your dc's ages are short and sweet, and very enjoyable. The packages are inexpensive as well. :) You can add in however many library books you want just for fun, but the materials needed to run the program are in the package.


I'd put your 6 yo in Little Hearts For His Glory. The entire thing takes about an hour and a half each day. It's simple and fun, but is thorough.


I'd use Little Hands to Heaven for your two 4 year olds. It's preschool level and focuses on alphabet and beginning numbers. Also fun and easy to implement. Takes about 30 min each day, maybe a little longer if you are doing two. I'd think it would be excellent for your little one learning English. :) Also very inexpensive.


That's my recommendation for a mama in your situation. I'd use it because it's open and go, no prep work whatsoever on your part, is planned and organized already, is way easy to implement, and the programs are just plain GOOD! :tongue_smilie: Then you'd also have time to do play-doh, etc. as time and energy allows. Simplify as much as possible. I think this would be as simple and easy and fun as it gets and would still be solid academically for your kiddos. :) My .02!


heartofdakota.com to see samples and look at the packages. Order a catalog too.



Edited by home'scoolmom
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There is no 2 yo... Just haven't updated my signature in a while.

I'll have:

1st grader

2 four year olds

3 yo

8 month old


The letter of the week is really activity based... And self directed.

I see it more as a help to me to keep them busy.

It is easy enoug for an upper three yo to do.


But... I still appreciate the perspective... :D


Any more thoughts?

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I think you could do well with Five in a Row for all of them. We did that with my oldest for first and had a ball. My, then 3yo tagged along and had fun as well. I still have a PRECIOUS picture of them making their own dragon costume when we read The Story About Ping. Such good memories. I plan on doing it again with my youngest when we do countries and cultures year after next. You could even just look over the SL list and have your 6yo read the readers that you think she'll like if she is reading by then.

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I would do... library books... unit studies on fun things.... and a phonics program if your oldest wants to. For my son, we did just phonics cards with saying the sounds. (I held up like flashcards) I added one every few days. (or so) I used Handwriting Without Tears for cursive. (interesting... read Don Potter's articles on why cursive first is best) I would just do center kind of things... for this whole first year... and then concentrate on moving on when your oldest is 7 with a bit more formal. You can always buy Singapore Math for your kids... and do it as you can. (I love Singapore, and suggest buying the Teacher's guide, too. As well as Liping Ma's book on how to "think math" like the Singapore Math)

I also like the Bluedorn's and think it's a great book... especially for those with multiple kids... Teach lots of "character" and learning by having fun :)

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Another idea, Weefolkart.com has free preschool downloads that has letter, craft and books. I'd do maybe OPGTR, phonics and a simple math w/ 6 yo and put them all together for the fun preschool. The 6 yo would still get something out of it too. The early years are fleeting ( really). Let them build forts and dig in the dirt and make up stories about it all.

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We have three, but when my oldest started school at 5 I had a 3 yo and a 2 yo. We did Sonlight 4/5 and OPG for my oldest and it was great! We schooled 4 days a week with day 5 free for field trips or fun movies, depending on the weather. We also went to the library weekly and attended a family reading program. HTH

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Your group looks very similar to us. I would stop, drop, and roll. :lol: I thought that was funny. Really, I would stop thinking structured academics so much and just enjoy them and work on becoming a family. I would read a LOT of books to them. I would spend hours outside with them every day. I would dance to music, put together puzzles, blow bubbles, and build with blocks. The time you spend now will be richly rewarded as they learn how to interact with each other and as a family. I wish I had more time to invest in training my littles.


I would find 40ish min to work with your 1st grader (15 min reading, 15 min math, 10 min handwriting).


Your day will be PACKED just trying to take care of them. I also love FIAR for those ages. Wonderful, gentle memories!!!

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So I just can't figure out what direction we should take next year in our curriculum.


I am currently hs our 5 almost 6 yo girl... But by this fall we will have two 4 yo boys, a 3 yo girl and a new baby. One of the 4yo is adopted and will be learning English. But he is a smarty and I think will benefit from school. He is closer to 5 in his skill level.


Everything we've been doing in school I don't like. It is boring and tedious.


My thought for the 4 y olds is a Letter of the week program that was donated to us. Then the join in a core program that we'd all do...3 yo too. Wed do bible and art all together too.


I want this to be the hub of all we do.


Then I'd do phonics, grammar and math with our 1st grader.


Does that sound good?



Then to choose a core...


I had written sunlight off as being too pricey, but as well all do it together...4 children I could stomach that.


Any other recommendations?



The year I had a 6, 5, 3, 2, and baby is a blur, but I'll base my advice on what I remember :001_smile:.


I would focus on math and phonics. Grammar can wait (I prefer to start in 2nd or 3rd when there are so many littles).


How are your little ones at listening while you read? One of the younger Sonlight cores might work well for you, especially if you would find the schedule helpful and not find it guilt inducing when your plans changed. You could also just use Sonlight books as a suggested reading list and read to your little ones as you have time.


Then, if your 1st grader enjoys crafts or science, get some kits and have fun.

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Then to choose a core...



Are you wanting to choose a core curriculum to be looking at, and getting your feet wet with, even though not really planning on making lots of progress through it yet? Like join the yahoo group, make plans, try a lesson out here and there on a slow week. Doing the letter of the week, Bible and art with everyone and the phonics with the oldest, but looking forward and experimenting with a core? Trying it on?

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Yeah not a FIAR lover... Way too unstructured and too much prep involved... But I do want something with great lit. like that.


You've talked me out if the grammar, and our phonics has plenty of hand writing.


For my oldest... Phonics and math... That is doable!

For us all... A lit core, bible and Fun...like art, games and such

For the big boys... Letter of the week Monday and Wednesday...


No school on Fridays.


I think that might work.


I think I decided on the 4 day kindy core with sonlight ... It is about exploring the world... Seems like a perfect theme for our year.


Any REALLY fun other things you've enjoyed doing with lots of littles?


Thanks SOOO much for the ideas and perspective!!!

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