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We have chickens!

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Dh finished building the coop and we brought home 5 chicks yesterday - 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Americana, 1 Andalusian, and 1 we're not quite sure about - she is a splash easter egger of some sort, at least according to the lady at the feed store. I would post pics, but I can't figure out how to get them from my phone. :glare:


They are still pretty small and are only going out in the coop during the day. At night they still sleep inside under a heat lamp. In ds's room. He is completely enamored.


We did have a hiccup, though. He had picked out an Aricana as well, and adorable little olive fluff ball. She was his favorite, very sweet and cuddly, and he visited her every week until we were ready to bring them home. The night before we were to pick them up she died. :crying: At least the other birds are distracting him.

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How exciting! We have 12 chicks. They are still living inside my house under a heat lamp, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will be moving out this weekend.


I'm sorry about the little one that died. We had 4 to begin with, and our dog killed one of them. It was so very sad. The next day we went and got 9 more!

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Yes, it was very sad, but he has already mentioned that we could make it better by buying another one. Then of course he reminded me that chicks do better with another chick they were raised with, so we should really get 2. Sucker that I am, I'm trying to find a hatchery with olive aricanas!

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How exciting! We have 12 chicks. They are still living inside my house under a heat lamp, but I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will be moving out this weekend.


I'm sorry about the little one that died. We had 4 to begin with, and our dog killed one of them. It was so very sad. The next day we went and got 9 more!

That is what they call Chicken Math at backyardchickens.com LOL.


We are up to 41 chicks. :eek: My parents decided ds didn't need to wait for the ones he ordered thru county extension offices for 4H and bought him 11 three weeks ago. One died. Then the 25 we ordered came in on Tuesday. Then today we went to Tractor Supply for goat feed and ds bought 6 more with his allowance. I don't know if my dh has learned about the new ones yet. He may not like it... If they all make it I will make ds cull some out that aren't good layers and such.


But both of my kids are loving the chicks. And those 2 ducks my parents also bought...

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We are on our first chicken farming adventure. :) We started with six a couple weeks ago. Today I stopped in to get a new heat lamp and they had a new batch with tagged wings (85-90% chance of it being a hen). When we got our six they weren't tagged and their boxes weren't marked "pullet" so we have no idea how many of those six are hens. I am pretty sure at least one of them is a rooster. Anyway, today we decided to get two more that have a high guarantee of being hens.


I'm hoping that next weekend we can begin work on the coop. :)


We have three Rhode Island Reds and five unknown. There are pictures on my blog if anyone wants to have a look to help identify the breeds.



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We are on our first chicken farming adventure. :) We started with six a couple weeks ago. Today I stopped in to get a new heat lamp and they had a new batch with tagged wings (85-90% chance of it being a hen). When we got our six they weren't tagged and their boxes weren't marked "pullet" so we have no idea how many of those six are hens. I am pretty sure at least one of them is a rooster. Anyway, today we decided to get two more that have a high guarantee of being hens.


I'm hoping that next weekend we can begin work on the coop. :)


We have three Rhode Island Reds and five unknown. There are pictures on my blog if anyone wants to have a look to help identify the breeds.




The first one might be a Buff Orpington. And the little one that you think is a rooster looks like our White Leghorns. The ones with the brown wings might be Americaunas because my neighbor has two that look a little like that. Did you try looking at http://www.backyardchickens.com or http://www.cacklehatchery.com? They have pics of the baby chicks. Anyway, they are adorable!!!

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Good luck with your chickens. We have 11 layers and then some dinners. ;) I think we're going to get some more layers soon. We have a lot of Americaunas, Rhode Island Reds, and one Silkie Bantam. We started out with 25. We probably lost 5 of those in the past year and a half. The rest were meat birds.

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