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I can't decide which grammar book to use for dd next year. This year, we will finish FLL 2. My oldest uses R&S for his middle school grammar. Any thoughts or opinions. I do know that R&S requires a lot of writing, and I have my oldest just doing evens for his lessons. I would definitely do some chopping of the lessons for my dd. I read that FLL 3 has a lot of review built in, and I'm not sure we need that. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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We used FLL last time I had a third grader, and will do it again with my rising third grader. Here are some differences.



-3 times a week

-includes poetry

-includes a little bit of narration, letter writing, dictionary usage

-completely dependent on you for each lesson (there are no instructions in the optional student workbook)



-4 times a week

-smidgeon of poetry at the end

-works on friendly letter, no narration or other writing, also covers dictionary usage

-can be done independently, or orally with mom

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I love having the workbooks for FLL. It has the diagram lines pre-printed, so that's a big plus (and it was a real time-saver for my poky oldest dd). I like the order in which they teach the diagramming, too. R&S left my oldest confused.


The nice thing about review is that you can skip it if you don't need it. For students who need the constant review, it's a necessity.

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I started FLL 3 with my oldest dd oh, probably over a year ago now, and stopped it because the scripting got irritating and I was hoping to find something more independent. We tried something that was supposed to be independent and apparently they needed more guidance from me because it didn't work out to be terribly independent (Simply Language Arts). We are now back to FLL/WWE 3, because my oldest needs direct supervision for just about everything. :glare: I have not used R&S, but I LOVE what FLL teaches even if it is scripted. :) We will re-think the scripting as we go along if necessary.

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I had planned on using R&S, especially after finding it a curriculum sale at such a great price. We got close to finishing FLL2, so I got out R&S to begin planning. Wow, what a difference (in presentation of material)! I got online, looked at FLL3, and ordered it.


Grammar is dd7's favorite subject. I think it requires just enough writing for her (she really hates writing), has enough review for my comfort (I get a lot of eye rolls and "Mom, I know this all ready" stares, but I can quickly see if she really needs the review or not with it right there in the lesson. No flipping back through trying to find that rule or list.), and doesn't take all day to do. Boy, did you get all that?:lol:


I believe whole-heartedly that she would HATE grammar if I had decided to use the R&S. I have it, though, if someone needs one! :tongue_smilie:

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If you don't mind, could you (or anyone else that agrees) elaborate on this?


R&S is written for a classroom and was more than I thought we needed. Too much busy work, too much writing--we ended up skipping so many portions of it and doing a bunch of it orally. It's not that the subject matter wasn't good, it's just not written for homeschoolers & all of the references to the "class" and the extra work turned me off.


FLL is totally scripted and while it may turn some off, I appreciate the thoroughness of it in covering everything we need without going on and on. The lessson is done succintly in 15-20 minutes. I know what to say, the review is built in with enough repetition to remind the kids anything they might have forgotten, but it's not overkill. They're grasping rhe concepts and we're all enjoying grammar (as much as anyone can). Hope that helps!

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