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Need some prayers and advice

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My 16 year old daughter had a mole removed from her cheek in November 2010. Unfortunately the incision opened up after the stitches were removed, resulting in a wide, indented scar about 3/4" long. It is very obvious because of the indent, and makeup doesn't really help conceal it.


She is extremely self-conscious about it, and it just doesn't seem to be getting much better. I do not think it will fill in on it's own. After having this for all this time she is really really sick of dealing with it. She doesn't wear her hair pulled back like she used to and is always worrying that everyone can see it.


I am taking her to see a plastic surgeon on Monday (April 11th). I have a feeling that the fix for this will be re-incising the scar and stitching it back together.


She is attending her Junior prom on May 20th. I am thinking that if he recommends re-incision of the scar we should still go ahead at this point instead of waiting until after the prom. I think a straight scar that looks like a line is much easier to conceal than an actual indentation in her face.


Does anyone have any advice on how noticeable a scar from stitches looks after a month and a half?


Please send good thoughts that the doctor will be able to treat this and if she does go ahead with the incision that the fix will be easy and heal quickly.

Edited by Home'scool
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you may not even have the straight line.


Plastic surgeons are AMAZING these days.


A little girl I know had a horrible cut on her nose. (it sliced through her nose, into the nasal cavity)


You cannot even tell what happened to her.


Sending good thoughts to your dd.

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