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hive mind: what would you do about this odd behavior?

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James is borderline aspergers. He's developed a new issue. He doesn't want to see or hear anyone chewing gum. I chew gum after every meal and he's started harping on me, from his room, through a closed door, are you done yet? are you done yet? until I throw it away. He'll leave the room if anyone starts chewing gum.


Yesterday at Borders he was bothered by a couple people chewing gum so we moved to where they weren't. The store clerk was even chewing gum, so he waited by the door for me. He's usually very gregarious and chats up everybody. This is more annoying that anything else. But how do you deal with it and get them to get over it, if that is possible. Or is it one of those phases that we just have to get through.

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Hmm. I'm nowhere near the Asperger's diagnosis, but I can't stand hearing or seeing people chew gum either. If I see someone chewing, the sound magnifies in my brain and I can't block it out - it's like a bad movie scene or something. I've taken to humming to myself to try to block it out as best I can. Sometimes it's so bad I just leave. Baseball season is hard for me because I have the same experience with people chewing sunflower seeds .... and all the coaches and several of the kids here chew seeds. I'm getting chills just typing that out, ugh. But yes, you just have to find ways to deal with it and get over it. Find out what part of it bothers him most about it, and go from there (like for me, it's seeing and imagining the sound so I block out the sound).


Bumping in hopes someone with insight into the Asperger's aspect can shed light.

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My 17yo son does not have Asperger's, but cannot stand to hear anyone chewing ANYTHING. If we are all sitting in the living room doing school and someone gets a snack, he leaves the room or moves away from them (one of his sisters is a loud chewer - we are working on it). I don't know why this is, as it doesn't seem to bother him at the dinner table, unless someone is actually smacking.


I would try not to chew gum around him and try the humming thing.

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:grouphug: I know what Asperger's is like; just when you get one behavior figured out, another appears. :001_smile:


I'd say your ds needs to have a radio or something in his room, or even an iPod with earbuds. He could use that when he needs to block out some sound. However, it may not be the sound at that point, but the FACT that you're still chewing gum that's bothering him, and he probably gets upset that he has to "go to his room" when YOU'RE the one causing the problem from his point of view. So in that case, it's one of those lessons that takes a million repetitions: you can't control other people, only yourself (which I am still working on with my 14yo mild Aspie). So if someone else chewing gum bothers him, he has to find some sensory input or something that relieves his anxiety about it in an appropriate way. If he's like my son, though, it's going to be a tough battle convincing him that chewing gum is not "wrong". :banghead: So, good luck with that! :D



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Nobody's gum-chewing should be audible. Couldn't you just chew silently, with your mouth closed? Wouldn't that be basic manners?


Your son might enjoy this article on Chewing Gum Etiquette. At least he'll know he's not alone.



Actually my gum chewing isn't audible, I chew with my mouth closed. It's the fact I'm chewing gum that bothers him. Thanks for the link to the article. Will share it with him.

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:grouphug: I know what Asperger's is like; just when you get one behavior figured out, another appears. :001_smile:


If he's like my son, though, it's going to be a tough battle convincing him that chewing gum is not "wrong". :banghead: So, good luck with that! :D





Exactly, just when I think I have him figured out, something else pops up.

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