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Any good April Fool's Day jokes????

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I loaded my kids' assignment sheet for today! Austin was supposed to write a 5 page paper comparing and contrasting "White Fang" and "Call of the Wild", complete the entire Key to Percents book, Write a 3 page paper detailing the race to the moon in history, etc. Riley was supposed to complete Singapore 6A today, read all of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Write a 1 page paper in Latin detailing how much she LOVES Latin (she despises it hee hee), Write a 5 page paper explaining how Sherlock Holmes used deductive reasoning in "The Hound of the Baskervilles", etc. Reece was supposed to complete 5 math lessons, finish reading the book (which was a joke on me because she finished it on her own on Tuesday), write a 1 page paper about the history of World War 2, finish reading Understood Betsy to herself.


Each of them has an assignment sheet with blocks on it and each block has the subject next to a checkbox and the assignment. So at the very bottom of the grid I put "April Fools Day" with a check box and "Gotcha" as the assignment.


Austin got it first. Riley stomped around and complained that she couldn't POSSIBLY get this all done! It went completely over Reece's head. But it was a lot of fun!


In reality, I gave them all the day off because we are ahead of schedule! :)

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The girls got me this morning. They set me up while I was taking ds to school, and made me think one of them had been horribly scratched by the cat. Fake blood running down the arm- tears- etc. This is why you throw away the fake blood after Halloween! :lol:

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The best man at our wedding wants to roll down the window in DH's car, spread broken glass on the ground, take the fancy radio out of the front and put it in the trunk, and let the air out of all the tires and put a pump in the trunk. In other words, make it look like someone broke in, stole the radio, slit the tires..but without doing any damage. I'm not yet sure if I will give him the keys to do it, though, because of where the car will be. If the window's down I'm afraid someone might decide to, I dunno, hotwire the car or something...

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My husband sent me this: http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html


I apologize if it's been posted already, but I just got in. :smilielol5:


Oh, that's cute! I just sent it to my husband! As for my daughter, I printed the "chore camp brochure" from Family Fun's website but haven't given it to her yet, we'll do it when hubby gets home from work.

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