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Ideal Protein diet. Has anyone done this?

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We had some friends come visit this weekend, and the husband had lost 50 lbs in 3 months, and the wife had lost 30 lbs in 3 months.


I have a consultation with a health care professional this Friday, and I think I'm going to try it. I've never done any dieting where I've paid for a meal plan or consultation. I've lost weight on Atkins in the past (After 4th ds, I lost about 24 lbs. and got back down to what I weighed when we got married.) For some reason, Atkins isn't doing the trick this time.


My hubby's boss had lost 50 lbs on Medifast, so he was originally telling me we could pay for that program. But I think I like the sound of Ideal Protein better.


If you have any experience with this one, I'd love to know. I *need* to lose 20 lbs. I'd really *like* to lose 30 (to get back to my weight before these five boys!!)



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My mom has been on this diet for 4 months and has lost almost 50 pounds. It sounds like it's quite expensive, but it also sounds relatively sane compared to some other places. We have an Ideal Protein starting in our small community now and they are springing up around our area.


Don't know what you like to know specifically, and since I'm not doing it personally, I can't add much. But if you have questions, I can ask my mom.

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My BFF just visited and told me about IP. I hadn't heard of it before. Her chiropractor is promoting it quite heavily. She wants to do it but the cost is a bit much for her.


I have done Medifast but it was awful. I had some serious gastro intestinal issues from it.


I wonder what the differences are in the IP foods and medifast? I would need to know it wouldn't cause the same issues.



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My husband is a Chiropractor who has Ideal Protein in his office. I don't know much about it as I am gluten intollerant and can't eat any of the food and don't need to lose weight, but I know he's had wonderful results with it. He lost 30 lbs. and has had so many people lose a lot of weight on it. Most people are able to keep it off because you phase off of it slowly. It's pricey, but you are not buying regular food, so it kind of balances out. I think there is an Ideal Protein web site with more info.




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I believe you still do eat some "real" food, so the cost you pay is not the total food cost for the month.




My husband is a Chiropractor who has Ideal Protein in his office. I don't know much about it as I am gluten intollerant and can't eat any of the food and don't need to lose weight, but I know he's had wonderful results with it. He lost 30 lbs. and has had so many people lose a lot of weight on it. Most people are able to keep it off because you phase off of it slowly. It's pricey, but you are not buying regular food, so it kind of balances out. I think there is an Ideal Protein web site with more info.




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Most of their meals are 7/box @ $27/box. 5of their meals + one lean green meal of your own.

I know 3 people who had really great success with it.

It will be my 41st bday present to myself I decided. I just want this remaining weight OFF.

From what I heard some of the stuff is meh, some of the stuff is good - totally depends on your tastes.

I like that they have the hot drinks as well!


Very similar in concept to Medifast, but more protein based.. I *believe.*


ETA_ I'm wrong... you eat 3 of their meals and one on your own. so you need 3 boxes/week. (I think Medifast is 5+1? This one is 3+1)

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  • 10 months later...

Ok, here is the scoop.....I have two friends who have done this program and lost weight and kept it off since the time of the OP. That isn't even a year, so maybe it isn't time to report yet.


However, IP is huge on making sure you do the maintenance program and don't just go back to eating whatever after you lose the weight.


There was a another thread on here about using a different vendor to save $$ as it is about 1/3 the cost of IP.





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That is ok. I would love to hear from anyone who actually did it from the time of the original thread until now.




Gracious... I didn't realize this was an old thread. I was just doing my regular search page by page and it came up on pg. 3 of all places!
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My sister used it (as did her adult son). She lost about 60lbs, in 3months. Now, she freely admitted that she stopped right around Christmas, and by the time the Christmas season was over, she had gained about 8 pounds back.


1. It's super expensive, she said it was about $80 a week for her. But she said she didn't really have to buy groceries either....but that's a bug chunk of my grocery budget for a family of five for a week.


2. It doesn't appear there is any learning of proper way to eat...so you might lose the weight...but then what happens? Do you gain it right back because you just go back to eating the way you always did?


I see my sister about every 6-8 months, so I be eager to see what has happened when I see her in August (just saw her in January and she didn't appear to be following any particular eating plan and I know she was not using Ideal at that time).

Edited by Samiam
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I am the last person to criticize what diet may work for someone else.....I have been on most of them without success. :glare:


I have friends who have had gastric bypass in the last couple of years, lapband surgery in the last few years, and done Adkins, all raw foods, you name it.....


I would love to hear how your sister is doing now on maintenance.





My sister used it (as did her adult son). She lost about 60lbs, in 3months. Now, she freely admitted that she stopped right around Christmas, and by the time the Christmas season was over, she had gained about 8 pounds back.


1. It's super expensive, she said it was about $80 a week for her. But she said she didn't really have to buy groceries either....but that's a bug chunk of my grocery budget for a family of five for a week.


2. It doesn't appear there is any learning of proper way to eat...so you might lose the weight...but then what happens? Do you gain it right back because you just go back to eating the way you always did?


I see my sister about every 6-8 months, so I be eager to see what has happened when I see her in August (just saw her in January and she didn't appear to be following any particular eating plan and I know she was not using Ideal at that time).

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I was the OP, and Ideal Protein was a smashing success for me this year. It took about 3 months, and I lost almost 30 lbs. I have re-gained/yo-yo'd with about 5-7 lbs, but continue eating a basically low-carb, high vegetable diet. I had originally wanted to lose around 20, but 30 put me back to my pre-marriage weight. Hovering around 5-7 lbs higher than that is all right with me, especially since having 5 babies:001_smile:. I'm not supposed to look like a 20 year old, right? I actually had some folks worried that I was too thin.


Yes, it's expensive. But for me it was worth it. I need a diet plan with precise guidelines for losing weight. When I have lots of "choices" throughout the day, I don't do well. Ideal Protein was a great choice for me.

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That is awesome! Congrats!~


My friend and her husband are continuing to lose on the similar plan from the website I listed above and actually like it better than IP because it is so much cheaper and they have more foods to offer.


Just thought I would throw that out there for someone who can't afford IP.




I was the OP, and Ideal Protein was a smashing success for me this year. It took about 3 months, and I lost almost 30 lbs. I have re-gained/yo-yo'd with about 5-7 lbs, but continue eating a basically low-carb, high vegetable diet. I had originally wanted to lose around 20, but 30 put me back to my pre-marriage weight. Hovering around 5-7 lbs higher than that is all right with me, especially since having 5 babies:001_smile:. I'm not supposed to look like a 20 year old, right? I actually had some folks worried that I was too thin.


Yes, it's expensive. But for me it was worth it. I need a diet plan with precise guidelines for losing weight. When I have lots of "choices" throughout the day, I don't do well. Ideal Protein was a great choice for me.

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