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if you where in my shoes...wwyd?


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Long story short, I didn't think we would be moving so soon. I hadn't planned on HS'ing until this summer. I now will be starting 2nd week of April. I don't have every single thing I need. I have my 5yr old covered other than math (I plan on MEP but don't have the time/ink to print it all out before Sunday) I have language arts somewhat covered for my 9yr old but nothing else. I have History & Math covered for my 7th grader.


In a perfect world I would just go on a shopping spree but that is not happening. I won't have the ability to print unless I go to the library. I have free wifi where I am at now but I wont when we move. It's not like I can drag my printer to the coffee shop with me.


I printed 2 weeks worth of Math worksheets for my 3rd grader. I had planned on saving money over time and buying stuff slowly till fall. I am trying to print or save as many files as I can before we move on Sunday.

What should I focus my time on? any ideas on some quick things I can put together over the next few days until we figure out what we are going to do for internet?

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Well, If I were you, I would relax.... take a few weeks off... and enjoy your new spot. I would work on times tables with your 12 and 9 year old... watch some School House Rock.... take field trips wherever you're going. I would listen to SOTW to the place where you want to start history... even if you don't want to use it for your whole history curriculum.... My son LOVEs listening to them... as does my older daughter. I would get library books and have them available... Choose some of different subjects. Unpack... Relax... Try to enjoy :)

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I would take things easy for a bit, especially as you are moving too. Read lots of good library books together. Go for a few nature walks, just get used to a routine: maybe sorting out your day so that you work out when you all do chores, do school work, run errands..


Then I'd just start out with English and maths. Once those are running smoothly, add in the other subjects slowly.


Best wishes



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i agree with the above.. i was recently told about kahnacademy .. something about its a free online thing.. anyway i know you can do math things on there and maybe some other stuff.. you earn badges for completing certain things etc.. I have not fully checked it out but if you have wifi it might be something they could take turns doing.

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If I were you, I would do what others have said - take some time off. Get yourself moved and settled in. Read some books, play outside, and get to know your new area. You could maybe move your school start up to June, if you want, but really, don't add school to your moving stress.


If you don't have all your formal math printed, do some living math! Bake cookies and teach them about cups, teaspoons and tablespoons, and fractions. Have your 5 yo match socks and learn to skip count by 2's. Play store or restaurant and practice money. Check out this ebook: Loving Living Math. Look at the Living Math site for some ideas.


For your 5 yo, check out Math Lessons for a Living Education - Queen's Homeschool has it. I haven't used it yet, but I plan to use it with Schmooey. It looks like a wonderful, stress-free introduction to math.


Nothing terrible will happen if you take a few weeks to get life back on track once you move. There are no homeschool police coming to check on how soon you've started. :) You're all going to need some time to adjust.


When we moved last year, I have to confess that school took a real back seat. We got math and grammar done, but almost nothing else. I was mortified when I looked back over our other stuff recently and realized how much didn't get done. However, we're back on track and the world didn't end. It will be OK, I promise. Moving is hard work; don't make it harder on yourself than it has to be. :grouphug:

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It won't hurt at all to take a few weeks off to de-school, unpack, get your curriculum setup, etc. If you have to report to someone, do some things everyday to have "attendance" (ie, baking cookies, reading a book, maybe pointing out some grammar in the book), but otherwise, just relax and work on getting ready to school when you're settled. You can school through the summer to make up lost time if you need to.


Remember that in school, that last month is just about useless. They do a lot of movies and such as they finish up everything and get ready to end for the year. We homeschoolers usually work to the very end, finishing up the curriculum. We can also work through the summer, during holidays, during snow days, etc. My son's private school missed a whole week due to snow in January. I was glad I had just started homeschooling and could just keep going! :D They lost most of their spring break. I still get to take a week off every 6 weeks!

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I would ask your kids what they want to study and then follow their lead. Get books & DVDs from the library. Look up stuff online. Perhaps even find games and activities around those ideas. Even your 5yo may have something to research. When my dd was 4yo, she became interested in classical composers, so we started looking for children's books about that. It was a wonderful time, and we both learned together about things that were important to her.

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