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Gardening question--Can I put a small garden on the side of my house?

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We have an area at the back of our house that seems like a good veggie garden spot. It's about 10 ft long, and I'd make the plot go up against the wall (brick) and then out about 3.5 ft.

It does get sun--I think maybe 8 hours of light (we are in the woods, and the leaves are not on yet, so I'm not entirely sure how much light there will be). I would dig down about 6 inches and put in soil, and put edging around the bed to make it a raised bed (not sure of all the gardening terminology! LOL).


So, is having it against the wall of the house a problem?


Here's the back of the house--it'd be to the left of the basement door. The playground thing (and old easel) are about 15 feet from the area, and don't interfere--I just don't have a better picture.

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Unless you're planning to plant a giant tree with strong roots, lol, I think it should be fine. I'd consider keeping the depth to 2-2.5' though. We had a 3' bed that was impossible to weed/harvest at the very back without stepping or kneeling into the carrots planted up front. And I'm not a short person with short arms, ftr. :glare:

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I agree about the good soil being crucial, raising and amending the bed should do it. The only thing you need to be careful about having it against the house like that depends on what direction it is facing. If it is facing south or west, come July and August, it is going to get HOT there, because of the brick absorbing the heat and reflecting it out.


Try it, plant things that like a lot of heat like tomatoes and peppers (many herbs will work well, too), MULCH heavily, and keep it well watered.


Good luck!

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We have an area at the back of our house that seems like a good veggie garden spot. It's about 10 ft long, and I'd make the plot go up against the wall (brick) and then out about 3.5 ft.

It does get sun--I think maybe 8 hours of light (we are in the woods, and the leaves are not on yet, so I'm not entirely sure how much light there will be). I would dig down about 6 inches and put in soil, and put edging around the bed to make it a raised bed (not sure of all the gardening terminology! LOL).


So, is having it against the wall of the house a problem?


Here's the back of the house--it'd be to the left of the basement door. The playground thing (and old easel) are about 15 feet from the area, and don't interfere--I just don't have a better picture.


Absolutely you can! I second the Square Foot Gardening book - it has excellent helps and suggestions. You will just need to make the bed the right size according to the space you have. I love your home! What a beautiful house. :001_smile:


You might also consider something we discovered just this year - salad tables. http://www.marthastewart.com/article/salad-table?lnc=4ef2dc5bfca40110VgnVCM1


We put in two - and they are growing well despite the torrential rain we have had for weeks. :)

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Chris, I just set up a bed just like this on my south-facing wall. It's the only place in my yard that gets full sun most of the day, so I'm going to try container gardening there in homemade earthboxes. (I hope to post pics of them soon.)


Were I you, I'd try lasagna gardening there right on top of the existing whatever is there. :) That would keep the majority of the root systems above grade, and whatever roots make it through down into the bed would be minimal, not to mention much less work for you.


Best wishes!

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You might want to check out the square foot gardening book. It has a great ideas for planting in a small space and a great soil mix that makes it so you wouldn't have to dig down and don't have to go as deep.


Oo, I have that book! I'll reread it! Thanks.

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I agree about the good soil being crucial, raising and amending the bed should do it. The only thing you need to be careful about having it against the house like that depends on what direction it is facing. If it is facing south or west, come July and August, it is going to get HOT there, because of the brick absorbing the heat and reflecting it out.


Try it, plant things that like a lot of heat like tomatoes and peppers (many herbs will work well, too), MULCH heavily, and keep it well watered.


Good luck!

:iagree: about the heat. Depending on your climate, that can be a good or a bad thing.

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Our neighbors grow strawberries and salad greens in a small bed next to the side wall of their house.


ETA: That salad table is pretty cool!


We have two really large ones. One is 12' long and 3' wide and the other is 8' by 3'. They are filled! So exciting. :D

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